Look, I’m not saying I give good advice, but...


If you asked me before about what I would think about a vampire city, I would say something like an eerie castle with a gothic-esque aesthetic, elegant and sinister at the same time. Black! Red! Emo!

Or something like that? Hehe...

But while the place did have the expected aesthetic of those pointy arches and elaborate tracery, it definitely wasn't a sinister or gloomy place, even in the middle of winter. The city itself, unlike the spacious metropolis that was L'Anaak Eed, was built atop stony hills in terraces, so the moment we got out of the castle gate, I was greeted with rows upon rows of beautiful architecture stretching down the winding terraces.

[Master! It's like giant stairs!]

"Giant stairs indeed," I nodded in agreement. Lesta had chosen a more open carriage for us, so we could easily sightseeing even while going to our destination.