I heard a chef is basically a scientist making edible stuff

Do we really have to attend all of these feasts?

Yes, yes we do. It was the custom here to hold a feast every time there was a guest, and it wasn't just once, but on each day the guest stayed. So, yeah...I would have to power through this event every night.

But Natha told the Vampire Lord that I didn't like taking my meal in public places--like the court hall--so the feast was now being held in the Lord's quarters. Aside from the three vampires who attended yesterday, the other four vassals also came today. It seemed like they originally came for a meeting with Natha today, and extended their stay for the feast.

If you asked me how it felt to be surrounded by tall, pale, gorgeous people--you asked the wrong person. You had to ask their 'mother', who for some reason stayed petite, unlike the other vampires.