Come to the Lair, we have free real estate for everyone!

"Whoaa..." I stared at the messenger bird in awe, even after it dispersed and turned into a letter.

That was the skill I wanted to learn from the druid. It was a homing message, so it could find the recipient wherever that person was. It also didn't have to be in the shape of a bird; it could be in any shape of animals, including the four-legged one, or even those without legs and aquatic creatures. But the bird was more popular because it could traverse the distance faster--there were fewer obstacles in the sky after all.

And good thing Amarein chose a flying shape, since it came right when we were riding Vrida. As the wyvern flew toward the cliffside, I opened the letter eagerly. It was written in beautiful penmanship and common human language.

Ah...I should hurry and learn the language used in the realm of nature too!