Perhaps taking your child to a future intimate place isn't such a good idea

The moment I mentioned the wedding, Tiralein's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's right!"

I looked at her and asked sheepishly. "Will you come?" my voice came out softer because ridiculously, I still felt embarrassed about it. Perhaps I would only overcome it once the ceremony was over. "I mean...I already invite Amarein, but...will you?"

"Oh, my dear," Tiralein shifted closer and reached out her hand to stroke my cheek. "Oh, my precious Valen; of course, I'll come! How couldn't I?" she pinched my cheek lightly and wore a wide smile on her face. "Will it be in the Lord Castle?"

"No, it'll be in the Lair," I shook my head. My face felt warmer as I added; "I...I want the ceremony to be a private one, just friends and family."

Tiralein smiled and patted the hand that she had been holding. "That sounds good, dear."