Rich people don’t bother looking for a dating site; they make them

My Demon Lord did not come alone.

He came with fish. Fishes. A whole tank of them, along with an elf and a half-demon half-elf who I presumed were the seller.

So, finally, Jade looked happy seeing Natha. Well, to be fair, it was more like Jade seemed happy seeing those fish. grumbling--yay!

Before we lost the light of the day, we hurriedly brought the tank over to the pond, where the construction workers had finished filling it with water. Carefully, the elf and the halfling, with the help of Doun, moved the fish into the pond.

Jade once again flew to the elemental bird statue, which had been polished and adorned with green jewels on the eyes. The little bird looked even prouder, knowing it was a statue of its adult self in the future, and prancing around the base of the statue while watching the fish transferring to their new home.