Is there something like a helicopter lover?

"Look at you all smileeey!" Zia pinched my cheeks lightly that night, shaking my head while at it.

But indeed--I couldn't stop smiling today. Even though Natha only stayed until luncheon, I felt happier than usual. Perhaps because it was an unexpected visit, so it felt like a surprise gift.

"Hehe..." it was hard to stop my lips from stretching, even if I was being teased left and right.

Zia giggled and squeezed my cheeks even more. "What a happy bride," she laughed joyfully, like she was happy about my happiness, and it made me even more happy.

How weird and nice!

"Oh, I'll spend the visitation night in the Lord Castle this time," I told her.

"Eeeh?" she widened her eyes and finally let go of my face, just to grab my shoulder and shake me while whining. "Why?"

"Because--ugh--I'm going to get my ear...pierced--" I gripped her arms so she stopped treating me like a ragdoll.

"Oh? But why there?"