How do you break the news of your engagement to your friend?

"Are you planning to fight him?"

This was something I had been curious about, especially because I had never heard from Ceci about what happened after the Hero and his companions came to the Lair. For all I knew, Natha only possessed the bottle of Amrita because he wanted to cure me. In that case, there was no way he would willingly give the Amrita away, unless...

Unless he had given up on me. 

But...he would only do that if he found out that Valmeier had died, and if he did, I didn't think he would look at the Hero--who in his mind had something to do with my misery--in a good light. And while Natha wasn't in love with Valmeier, he probably still thought that Valmeier's body was mine, and it was the only connection he had with me; the only possibility of having my soul visiting this world. 

So, no--there was no scenario in which this would end peacefully.