Girls get closer through gossips

"Can I ask something?"

"You can," I shrugged. "Me answering is another matter, though."

He laughed and leaned back on his arm, forgoing the 'proper' Hero posture. Closing his eyes and tilting his face up to receive the sunlight, he looked like any other young, carefree man out there whose biggest problem was where they would work after graduating college.

Ah, this guy also came here before he could taste college life, huh?

Not that I had any experience with that.

Despite his seemingly nonchalant look right now, his question was heavier. "Did you hate me?"

Huh. That came out of nowhere. Or perhaps not? I wonder if he still felt guilty about Valmeier. "Why do you think so?"

"Hmm...your gaze," he opened his eyes and smiled wryly. "It was cold--at least last night."

"Wouldn't you be cold when someone infiltrates your home?" Ignis quipped from my shoulder, scoffing when the Hero just chuckled quietly in return.