Me and Doors and our inseparable fate

"Hoo...she's pretty, huuh?" I raised my brow and Ian frantically flapped his hand to try and explain himself.

But Zarfa and Aina leaned to me to snitch on him. "She's pretty and sexy."

"He couldn't even speak in front of her."


"T-that's not...that's just..."

"I know, boy. It's just youthful hormone," I patted his shoulder pitifully. This tanker would be too weak to charm. If Zia were a mature succubus, he would probably fall on his knees in front of him and get kicked by a gun-maniac elf. 

"...what's a horrmon?"

The three of us transmigrators waved our hands to dismiss the young paladin and resumed our walk. "So that's why you're hesitant to come here with someone else."

"Well, since we're about to say that we won't be asking for her help's kind of awkward, no?" Zarfa shrugged.