Too much free time is a leading cause for intrusive thought

"Can...can we touch this?" Izzi looked at the bottles, trembling hands stopped just an inch away from them. He looked more nervous than the time he got the letter from his family.

"Sure," I shrugged.

Izzi's fingers twitched and started to move, but Neel grabbed his wrist and said in a hissing voice full of tension. "Be careful. I'm going to blast you with a cannon if you drop it."

I wanted to say that the bottle had a protective spell that prevented it from breaking, and even if it somehow did and the content spilled out, I could control it and put it back in another container.

But that didn't sound fun, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Oh my, oh my, so many beautiful things!" Zia looked at the treasure chest with sparkling eyes. She might be an anomaly for a lust demon, but she still liked to flaunt her beauty and bedecked herself in jewelry like any succubus. "Can I take this one? Oh--this one too!"