Wedding panic is only a thing for the committee

Do you know the feeling of standing outside a burning house while everyone else is busy putting off the fire?

My wedding was kind of like that.

I mean, aside from feeling depressed and lovesick, I had nothing to do even though everyone was very busy. All day, I heard people coming in with supplies, and the golems going around the tower and the garden to prepare the venue; both for the ceremony up there and the garden banquet down there.

All the demons were busy giving instructions, even Zia, who was in charge of the garden banquet below. Angwi was readying the bedroom guests and double-cleaning the Lair from top to bottom. Doun, as our gardener, had been tending to all the flowers and the plants with extra care, and the twins were patrolling the place more often. Even the keeper had been cleaning Vrida and made sure my wyvern looked pretty; scales shining and horns gleaming, the whole thing.