I’m a simple man; I see a chest, I go for it

Opening my eyes to see his face and hearing his voice...how long ago was it?

...well, it was two weeks ago, but still!

Knowing that I would continue to have this scenery and feel this comfortable cold from now on, without having to say goodbye to him later--was such a wonderful feeling. Tonight too, I would sleep beside him. Tomorrow too, I would wake up with him.

I couldn't stop smiling simply from that.

"Do you have a good sleep?" he brushed some stray hair off my face.

"The best!" I dove into his embrace again, pressing my cheek against his chest. It was nice being able to hear his heartbeat first thing in the morning--the nice muscle in between was just a bonus.

He chuckled, and I received a rain of kisses on my temple. Ah...what a nice morning.

"To think we just went to sleep naked without doing anything," he laughed softly while burying his face in my hair.

"But it's nice," I looked up. "Isn't it?"