There's no such thing as a calm wedding day(s)

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Like a military drill sergeant hounding their rookie soldiers in morning P.T. time, Arta ushered us inside hurriedly. By us, I mean me; because I was the one who, once again, needed a longer preparation time. 

Thankfully though, the parade went smoothly without any accidents that might have made us late coming back to the Castle. The carriage went around the city and I was amazed at how there was no shortage of demons flanking the street. Was the Capital truly having this many citizens, or did all demons in the realm of greed come to L'Anaak Eed that day? 

Whatever the case, it was amazing how many people would want to go outside, waiting in the crowds just to see us. As someone who was never good in the middle of the crowd, the prospect of doing that was horrifying. I was glad Arta hurried us that morning because I felt bad thinking about how long they had been standing and waiting on the side of the road.