a birthday is a reminder that we survive yet another year of life!

"My darling little Prince!" Grandma Chief hugged me tightly the moment I stepped down the stairs from the waterfall side walkway. She cupped my cheeks and smiled widely. "You look radiant! And so much healthier!"

Was that her way of saying I looked chubbier now? I patted my cheeks once she let go of my face, wondering how much weight I had put on since the wedding. Oh, well--Natha liked it anyway.

"Come, come--the others had been waiting!" she ushered me and Natha--who was carrying little boy Jade--toward the Great Tree. "You're just in time!"

Indeed, just in time. Midnight came about five minutes ago before we were landing, and I had the most spectacular birthday kiss for a whole minute in the sky.

Just a whole minute, since Jade was pushing Natha aside so he could give me a kiss on my cheek on his own.