Can't people let me be pregnant in peace?

Conflict? What conflict? Why was there a conflict? 

And how could they do that when I had a fetus growing in my garden?! 

...that sounded wrong--but you get me, right? Right?!

Natha let go of me and turned around to face Caba, whose face turned from urgency to embarrassment in a second. "Oh...ah, I--I'm sorry!"

Hmph! It's too late!

"Where is it?" Natha asked with a frown. Well, I guess our child's safety was more important than sex. 

"'s..." the big bald demon was fidgeting, perhaps debating whether he should relay the report properly or turn around and avert his eyes from our quite intimate position.

Thankfully, no clothes were shed yet to warrant daylight indecency.

Damn it!

"Don't dilly dally, Caba," Natha said coldly. Oh, maybe he was as disappointed as I was.

"It's--it's in Wrath!"