Is my child a greedy one, or a glutton?

[...rry...'m sorry...]

I heard a sorrowful sobbing sound before I opened my eyes, and I heard another sobbing sound when I opened them. Were they coming from the same source? I had no idea; I had no time to discern it, to be exact, because I had to face the stream of tears dripping into my face.

[Papa! Papaaa!]

I didn't know so much water could come out of such a small bird.


Contrary to my thought, calling out its name made the little bird cry even louder. [Papaaa! Papa is awake! Papa is awake!] I wasn't just sleeping? Gradually, my memory came back and I recalled seeing Shwa bloom in the garden. I was about to take my journal and then...nothing.

Was I...fainted?

"Sweetheart?" a comparably calmer voice came to my ears--and it was a generous judgment since even a scream could be called calmer than Jade's wail. "Sweetheart, can you hear me?"