In the shroud of the night

Zia's blood ran cold when she heard the scream, and she pounded even harder on the door. At this point, she might break the door before someone opened it. Oh, she wished she could do that.

"What happened?!" she screamed, pounding the annoyingly sturdy frame until the side of her hands reddened. "Open the door! What happened?!"

When Zia thought she should ask the guards to just break the door, it finally opened. She wished, oh, she prayed that it would be Valen's face greeting her drowsily; but what she saw was Panne's pale face.

"L-Lady Zidoa..."

Zia rushed in immediately, her neck feeling both hot and cold. Inside, she could see Mara clutching the edge of the blanket, and the maid stuttered when she saw her.

"M-my Lady! Young Master is--"


"He's not here!"