All older sibling would matured with the arrival of the little one

"Oh?" my eyes widened before they narrowed in suspicion. "Is this why you let me visit Shwa without a fuss?"

Natha flicked my nose and looked at me like a victim of false accusation. What? Was I wrong? He shook his head and gave his defense. "Of course not; I'm going to let you visit the shed no matter what. I know you must have been worried about Shwa after all of that."

Oh, had become so wise and generous, my Lord.

He pinched my nose this time, as if enacting some revenge. "Besides, she didn't say anything about finishing that spell."


"I had been sending her letters every few hours since yesterday, so she was probably fed up with the pile of parchments and decided to just give up and give us an update so I'd stop disturbing her," Natha shrugged and chuckled lightly.