It's always nice being dotted on no matter how old you are

Only after Neel left the room did I remember to ask. "It's fine...right?" I looked at D'Ara and Natha, grinning sheepishly.

"I supposed," thankfully, Natha agreed this time. He rubbed my wrist, the part around the bandage, gently. "We only need to change the container after all. Although...I don't think having Jade here while I take out the needle later would be good."

"A child needs to learn," D'Ara said.

"No; I think the kid will tell me to never get close to Valen ever again," Natha said seriously, but not because he was worried about being shooed away from me. "We'll get into a big fight and Valen will get exhausted."

Pfft--I couldn't help but laugh with D'Ara since Natha said it very seriously as if he were talking about a war strategy. No, no--I knew his worry was valid, and I also didn't want to expose Jade to the shocking sight of me getting pierced. was funny.
