It’s harder to punish your family than your enemy

", what are you trying to say?" I scratched my neck, not sure where the conversation was going now. 

[Ah, I mean, Zir'Kal wouldn't be the one to instigate it] Aleena said. [It's most likely the elders who did it. They probably brought him along just in case they needed charm while infiltrating--as pathetic as he was, no one could use charm better than him]

I see...he was also good at making people erase any persisting doubt about the charm itself--almost like brainwashing, even. I could see how he could use it for wandering servants and guards, I guess, and it was a perfect skill for someone who couldn't fight like him.

But you wouldn't be able to manwhore your way out of this, Ra Zir'Kal.

" were saying he was getting dragged into this mess?"