Loyalty doesn't mean you're agree with everything

During the first Sacred Morning, as the children enjoyed their holiday inside the house, the adults of L'Anaak Eed came out with their cleaning tools and gathered at their district's rally point. For those who lived in the central district, they gathered at the plaza in front of the courthouse.

They met with their neighbors on the way and talked this and that about their lives and what they were going to do for the holiday after the New Year's worship, grumbling and laughing with light steps.

But those voices immediately died down at the scene that greeted them in the plaza. 

To be exact, in front of the courthouse. 

There, beneath the stairs leading to the courthouse, were at least a dozen sharp poles. No one knew for sure how many they were because their brain stopped functioning. Their eyes shook as they followed the poles and saw what was pierced on top of them.

Bodies. Half-bodies. Some were nothing but heads.