Children are the key to peace

This time, no one was in panic.

I did not black out, because Shwa left out around a quarter of my mana. The headache came from it being drained too fast, but I was even well enough to watch the layer of petals bloom oh so beautifully, with more little flowers popping out to fill the garden. The little shed had turned completely into a flower field; some even crawled on the wall and into the frame of the bed in the corner.

But I could only enjoy the view for a minute before I had to bid Shwa goodbye and receive my transfusion in the Lord's Quarter. Jade refused to go away this time, so we had Lesta come over to babysit him while Natha and D'Ara set up my transfusion. Naturally, Eruha came along too, since neither of them had seen this device and how it worked.

"Lesta, why can't Jade see it?" my little boy asked with a sullen voice while Lesta covered his eyes from the sight of Natha piercing my wrist with a needle.