What's friends if they're not teasing you right after giving you advice

After sorting out the gifts and finishing the transfusion, we had a tour of the nursery for a bit before the two energetic guests chanted play, play, play, and we ended up visiting the Amusement Park after luncheon. 

"It's good to show that Young Master is fine," Eruha provided a rare support. "The party last time only showed the high society, and they were more focused on the recording than Young Master's presence.

"Letting the citizens see that Young Master is fine enough to play around will become the final announcement that our realm is thriving and secure," Lesta drove the nail deeper. 

And me staring at Natha pitifully was the hammer. 

With the very reasonable argument that the vassals provided, Natha let me go with Caba and Haikal to guard us. Wow.