Ch-9: Possession

"The problem with the fuckin' Internet is that there's no 911 dispatcher and way too many volunteer firemen."

-Raymond Kenny


It's been a month since my stay at Kamar-Taj, and the only thing I have done till now was studying and practicing magic, and I'm proud to say I'm a master-level magician.

AO told me if I wanted to be a master at Kamar-Taj.

I denied, of course, you know you can't touch this, no seriously I have plans for my future and I can't really find the time to protect the earth, plus there are the sisters of fate, I have to take care of that mess.

On another note, I progressed a lot in my true dark magic, I'd say if I train and grind for about 4 more weeks I will reach the level of the OG raven, but Eve told me to stop practicing magic, cause the toll my MP takes on my body is a lot so I should train my body right now.

It's kinda like when they say "don't train your body when you're too little because your body gets hurt" or something like that.

So, I started training my body, my training regime?

Satima's workout, it's the best I can do because my body regenerates faster, so my body's muscles get stronger quickly, but I toned it down a little so that my body doesn't get bulky.

After 2 weeks I reached a point where I could further advance my magic.

So I did just that, and that's when I found out about one of the greatest cheats a gamer can have, Possession magic, Possession magic is a sub-branch of my True Dark Magic.

Now you might ask why Possession Magic is a cheat.

Well, it's because of the warning under the Possession magics description.

[Possession Magic:

Never Fuck with someone that knows PM (Possession Magic), why? Cause even the novices can fuck you up if your will isn't as strong as theirs, and if they succeed? Pray to any god you worship that your will is strong enough or your very self gets wiped from deep within your soul.

{Warning: skill can be Maxed out by meeting requirements}]

It said I can max out the skill if I meet the requirements, so what I did was simple, I found a prisoner that was about to go on an electric chair, before the execution I possessed him, and BOOM!

[Ding! Host attempting possession on the target named "John Doe"]

[Ding! Target named "John Doe" is resisting]

[Ding! Gamer's mind is protecting the host's mind]

[Ding! Gamer's mind found foreign personality]

[Ding! Gamer's mind Removing foreign personality named "John Doe"]

[Ding! Successful, Personality removed]

[Ding! PM Leveled up!]

[Ding! Pm Leve--]

[Ding! P-]

[Ding! -]




[Ding! skill [PM] has been Maxed Out]

[Ding! Receiving Skills from the body known as "John Dow"]

[Ding! Received Skill [Stealing Lv.1]]

[Ding! Received Skill [Sneak Lv.1]]

[Ding! Received Skill [Lying Lv.1]]

[Ding! Received Skill [Acting Lv.1]]

And that's why PM is a cheat, I can fucking steal skills.

You might be wondering doesn't such a powerful skill have any side effects? Yes, it has one side effect, but it isn't bad for me, it's just that it seems that the body's personality gets removed so it's an empty shell, the body that its personality gets removed operates on instincts.

The body essentially becomes a puppet and I am the puppet master,

With PM maxed out, I can imprint my personality on it or just make it a mindless slave, that's some fucked up shit.

Anyway, studying and training aside I got closer to AO, we went from "saying hi in the hallway" to "wasup bro" really quickly, at first, I wasn't really comfortable with being close to her but after I gave her the advice, she wanted we got closer and I got more comfortable with her.

|Flash Back no Justo|

R (Raven): Look for you to do your job better, you have to listen to my advice to the end, don't question it, and don't look into the future constantly.

R: now for your advice, be more honest and more clear with strange, make him join the avengers, reveal yourself to the avengers and nick furry when they first gather to defeat Loki, talk to them about the universe, make them train harder, eliminate hydra, prevent Ultron with everything you can don't let it get created, under any and all circumstances but make sure vision gets created.

R: train Spider-Man in magic so when "they" come for him he'll be ready, reveal yourself to X-man, teach Jean Grey about Her powers and don't let Xavier Fuck with her mind, and make sure Dark Phoenix doesn't get created, and for the love of the one above all kill Norman Osborn the moment he tries to take the serum.

R: and for my final advice Don't let yourself be killed.

AO: …

R: what?

AO: Nothing, just didn't expect you to know that much.

R: so, are you going to listen to me and do what I told you, or are you just goanna consider it?

AO: No, … I'll do it.

|Flash back End|

Well, anyway after a while we got closer, at first her personality, was um … kinda annoying if you ask me but with time we got along just fine.

On another note, the social media apps I created got really popular when Tony Stark registered, it was hilarious seeing Jarvis trying to hack in.

Anyway, I can proudly say that the whole of America is sighing up in my apps, many famous people or people that work with the government signed up, like the president of the United States, Barack Obama himself.

But what I'm prouder of is that I created the first meme ever in this whole universe and it got popular really fast, terrifyingly fast, and that's why I created an A.I that's job is to manage the account I built for spreading my memes.


Author: well, another chapter is out, thanks for being patient, I hope you like it and I'm sure you guys noticed that the length of the chapters is getting short, I have two reasons for that:

1. the first reason is that I'm trying this new writing style (hope u like it).

2. the second reason is that I'm in the middle of a bunch of tests, like tomorrow I have a geology test and after that, I have a literature test

-PS: check out the Chapters and Timeline in the Auxiliary volume.

-PPS: next chapter is going to be awesome but because it's so long and awesome I need more time to write it so probably more than 3 days.

-PPPs: I hope you liked today's chapter, and wish me luck on my test.

Word count: 1139