Poor soul

The weather had dramatically changed. The clouds had become darker and angrier than before, completely blocking the view of the blue sky. As the wind grew bitterly cold, it appeared as if lightning might strike from those clouds.

A carriage had just arrived in front of the mansion. 

River, Katherine, and Ashton had already emerged from the mansion, staring at the carriage. River smirked in amusement as he noticed Ashton's eyes light up with excitement.

Cyrus, Sage, and Arthur arrived, and Cyrus didn't bother to hide the blackened rage on his face.

"What's the matter, Cyrus?" River inquired of the enraged-looking ice dragon.

Arthur was standing behind Sage the entire time, looking terrified.

"Did something happened? At this rate, you will trigger a snowstorm." River muttered and rolled his eyes, irritated that Cyrus was not responding to him. 

Stefan walked into the carriage, which had been opened by a guard, with a straight face.