A Ray Of Hope...

Eleanor chuckled, "Cassie, I'm not interested"

"You might not be interested. But," Cassie took Eleanor's hands in hers and said, "They need a father Eleanor. You don't just expect them to grow up without one, right?"

Eleanor was quiet and didn't respond. She only looked at the kids quietly. Nathan had finally slept off too.

It was true they needed a father, but she didn't want just any man for them, she was determined to find their father.

They have every right to know him, and they will know him.

"Don't deprive them of the right if growing up in a happy family. Please Eleanor" Cassie added.

"Cassie, they have a father"

"Then where is he, Eleanor?" Cassie retorted.

She was starting to lose her cool.

They have a father, so she heard countless times. But where was he? She couldn't understand just why Eleanor was refusing to date, anyone. Since they met, men have been asking her out, yet she was refusing without even thinking twice. Just what was wrong with her?

"All I'm saying is" Cassie squeezed Eleanor's hands in hers and looked into her eyes calmly, "Just give someone a try. It won't hurt at all. I might not know the man personally, but if you want, I'll check everything about him. Just for you to be sure."

"No Cassie" Eleanor said sternly.

Eleanor strongly believed that Cassie's determination to see her dating someone would drive her crazy one day.

Who would have a such crazy determination if not her one and only Cassie?

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Do I look like someone who needs somebody?" Eleanor asked.

"But, it doesn't mean you don't deserve someone!" Cassie argued.

"Fine. You win."

"Eleanor, you deserve all the happiness you can get and you, you will get it." Cassie was firm in her determination to see Eleanor happy.

Cassie, was just like a mother hen who was worried over her little chick, trying to prevent it from getting eaten by the hawk. She was worried about Eleanor living the rest of her life all alone.

Cassie grew up with so much love. Her parents loved her so much that they could lay their lives for her.

But Eleanor's was the exact opposite. She had lost her mother at an early age. Her father taught her the true definition of cruelty.

Cassie still wanted to chat some more, but Eleanor said, "I have something to do. I'd be in the study."

"Good night El."

Eleanor was already walking towards to door. She only nodded her response as she closed the door.

"You deserve only happiness, El" Cassie whispered sadly as she lay on the couch in the kids' room.


Eddy was confused by his boss's actions. His boss had been obsessed with that lady for the past five years. His boss had never had eyes for any woman, so who could this lady be? And what did she do to offend the Great Damien


Others might not be aware, but he knew his boss didn't ever like associating with women at all.

He was done with the report, but just to not get into his boss's bad books, he had stayed for a while to double-check it.

Seeing that everything was as he had found it, he started to print it out.

All he wanted now was to quickly get to his boss's house and deliver the report to him. After that, he'd go home and get the rest he had so desired all through the day.

Eddy sighed and got into his car. He was finally done with the assignment given to him.

The car drove towards Damien's private residence.

After a while, the car arrived at Damien's Villa. It was a spacious Villa, furnished with a large garden.

The villa was named Greenville.

The car stopped in front of the villa and Eddy stepped out.

The result of his research in his hands, he strode into the villa.

It screamed luxury and elegance. Its grandeur was unexplainable. The Greenville alone was about 5000-5500 sq feet, excluding the garden that surrounded the building.

Eddy had no idea if his boss would be awake. All he knew was, he was done with the assignment.


Damien had just come out of the shower with a loose bathrobe over him.

He looked captivating, his pronounced physique making him look extremely alluring.

He lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling blankly. In his mind, was the scene with the lady from five years ago. No matter what he did, he was unable to get it off his mind.

A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought. The door opened and Eddy walked in.

When Eddy saw his boss's position on the bed, he was certain that his boss had finally lost his mind.

"Sir, the papers you requested."

Damien hummed a reply and Eddy walked forward to where he was.

He handed the papers to Damien and stood by the side.

Eddy stole a glance at his boss who was now sitting on the bed and going through the papers.

What could be going through that mind of his now?

Damien's eyes scanned through the papers quietly. His hand froze for a moment.


"Yes, boss?"

"Are you sure about this report?" Damien asked.

Eddy was confused for a moment there. He had spent hours working on this report, so he knew that everything was in its place.

"Yes, boss. I made sure I double-checked it." He assured Damien.

Damien turned back to the papers with a smile on his face.

' Finally, a ray of hope.' he thought.

After a moment, he said to Eddy, "Tomorrow run a check on the McKinley family. I want to know everything about them. Especially in the last five years."

Eddy nodded. He couldn't protest even though a part of him wanted to.

"Go now! It's late!" Damien had a glance at Eddy.

Eddy was speechless at his boss's words.

It was late? He knew so yet he made him come here this late?

He began to wonder what the McKinley family did to Damien. And the lady in the report, who exactly was she?