Do Dragons Dwell Inside...?

Nathan was speechless as he stared at the pink girl's skirt. His face and ears had turned red from embarrassment. Even his eyes had turned round and wide as he stared in a daze. Was Tasha crazy? He would rather die by a swarm of poisonous bees than of embarrassment.

Eleanor snorted loudly at the look on his face; it was priceless and she felt as though taking a picture of it for future sake.

"Did G.G ask you to play dress up?" She asked a mischievous grin on her lips. Eleanor turned to look at Cassie; she had a triumphant look on her face and so did Grandma Cindy. She instantly understood that it was entirely Cassie's and Grandma Cindy's plan to frustrate her poor soon.

Nathan frowned when he saw how relaxed his mother was at the issue. How could she watch this happen to him!? His reputation was at stake for heaven's sake! He thought sadly.

He had just opened his mouth to speak when…