ZerAnderson Group

Eleanor sat down quietly in the back seat of the car as Cassie occupied the driver's seat.

She was looking through some files as she nibbled on the cover of her pen; a habit that had become a part of her.

Days back, she had requested the records of all ZerAndersons' current and past workers. So as Cassie drove, she looked through them.

ZerAnderson was her greatest asset. Her mother's legacy and she would do anything it takes to keep it standing tall; even if it meant relieving the current workers and finding new and qualified ones.

"Cassie?" Eleanor called after some time.

"Yes, boss?"

"Please send some gifts to the Anderson family villa. Grandma's birthday is in a few days." She requested.

Cassie nodded, making a mental note to do just as requested.

"Anything specific?" She asked.

"Nah! Just something Worthy" Eleanor responded and Cassie nodded.