She asked, not knowing which to ask first. Was it who he was or where he was all this time?

Somehow, she had always known that she was not just looking for him for the sake of the kids and right now, the tugs in her chest seemed to be confirming it

"I know you have a lot of questions," Damien said calmly, his expression turning calm, placid and plain. "I do too. But, before that, I would like to invite you for breakfast."

Eleanor opened her mouth to refuse but Damien beat her to eat.

"Don't worry, this is my home and I can assure you that you are safe. We can discuss and I'll answer every of your questions over breakfast. Also, you get to tell me about the kids… my kids… our kids"

Eleanor froze in shock. 

He already knew of the kids?

How did he know?

Who informed him?

She swallowed past the lump in her throat and nodded. It might just help that he already knew.

Damien smiled.