
The next morning, Damien looked out at the vibrant city of Spain, feeling a sense of nostalgia washing over him. It had been far too long since he last visited, but the familiarity tugged at his heartstrings, welcoming him back like an old friend.

Eleanor sat quietly in the cab, her gaze fixed on the passing streets. Her mind was filled with thoughts as she observed the people around her. While many smiled and exchanged greetings, she could see glimpses of hidden struggles and doubts behind those cheerful facades. It saddened her to realize that there was often more beneath the surface than met the eye.

"We can finally move out of the hotel," Damien noted, pulling Eleanor's attention back to him as the driver kept driving. His voice was filled with a sense of relief. 

Curiosity sparked in Eleanor's eyes as she could not help but wonder. "Just how wealthy are you?" she asked, a faint smile playing on her lips.