Eps 24 : I Can’t Trust You

"What do you mean, Kang Suk-Ui, who hasn't seen a sign of pregnancy?"

Royal Queen Dowager Shin glared angrily at Queen Jung after reading the health record of Concubine Kang, who was delivered by the palace nurse. Royal Queen Dowager Shin's hairpin seemed to sway in line with the old woman's head movements. It has been three weeks since King Yeongan and concubine Kang's wedding night, but Royal Queen Dowager Shin has yet to receive the news she desired.

"And why don't you allow me to visit Kang Suk-Ui? Ho, is it possible that you did something to her?"

"Royal Queen Dowager! How can you make such rudeness accusations against the queen?"

Queen Dowager Park, who was also present at the meeting this morning, expressed her disappointment after hearing Royal Queen Dowager Shin, who had returned to suspect Queen Jung.

The Royal Queen Dowager Shin glared sharply at Queen Dowager Park. "Then, the Queen must have a reasonable reason for forbidding me to visit Seonhwadang?" She spoke in a sharp tone.

Queen Jung raised her face a little before giving a response to the accusation addressed by Royal Queen Dowager Shin. Queen Jung realized that her actions in having the prohibited Royal Queen Dowager Shin visit the concubine Kang would cause suspicion. This is the only way that the old woman does not make a new commotion. Concubine Kang also never greeted the palace elders in the morning after spending the night with King Yeongan.

"Please forgive me, Your Highness. I don't mean to prevent you from visiting Seonhwadang. It's just that the palace physician asked Kang Suk-Ui to rest without being disturbed by anyone because her body condition was not stable. As the leader of the palace harem, I should ensure the health of Kang Suk-Ui. Please understand my actions," explained Queen Jung in a firm voice. The highlight shown by Queen Jung at this time radiated her sincerity.

The Royal Queen Dowager Shin snorted harshly at Queen Jung's response. In fact, the old woman could not accept the reason Queen Jung forbade her to visit her concubine Kang. Even so, Royal Queen Dowager Shin chose to harbor her suspicions and ensure that she would investigate them secretly.

The morning tea banquet was then filled with an unpleasant cold atmosphere. There is no one among the Royal Queen Dowager Shin, Queen Dowager Park Park, or even Queen Jung who intends to open another topic of conversation. Until Queen Jung went earlier cause she had a lot to do today


After the morning tea banquet with the palace elders, Queen Jung rushed to the Seonhwadang Pavilion. As she has ordered for several weeks, Queen Jung forbade anyone to visit the pavilion, which is a rear palace area, without her permission. Not only that, but Queen Jung requested that concubine Kang be examined every four hours, owing to her pitiful condition when the palace maid discovered her the next day.

Queen Jung stepped quickly into the main room of the Seonhwandang Pavilion. Physician Han and two nurse waiting greeted her as she entered the room. With a slow nod, Queen Jung gave instructions so that the physician Han started a routine check on the concubine Kang, who was lying weakly unconscious.

Queen Jung's eyes paid close attention to the examination carried out by the physician on the Concubine Kang. Queen Jung was not disgusted or horrified when the two nurses opened and replaced Concubine Kang's full bandages. In silence, Queen Jung thought of further action if the condition of the concubine did not improve.

"Your Majesty, I have completed the examination."

Physician Han made Queen Jung flinch at her thoughts. The woman fixed her gaze on Physician Han who sat in front of her. Queen Jung nodded briefly, giving a sign that Physician Han would start talking.

"The condition of Kang Suk-Ui's concubine is quite stable. The bleeding she experienced was completely stopped. Even so, for a few weeks, Concubine Kang still has to rest to recover."

"So, the bleeding has stopped? You've worked hard, Physician Han. In the future, keep on taking care and make sure the condition of Kang Suk-Ui recovers."

Queen Jung paused for a moment and then turned her attention to Court Lady Jo and Concubine Kang's personal servant—Court Lady Im, who were also in the room, and then continued her orders.

"Make sure no one knows about her condition. She must not get a visit from anyone. I don't want this to spread throughout the palace. You understand?"

"Yes, your Majesty. We will obey your orders," answered Court Lady Jo and Court Lady Im in unison.

After making sure Physician Han gave a daily medicine to the concubine Kang, Queen Jung rushed out of the Seonhwadang pavilion to do other activities that she was waiting for.


Yi Baek narrowed his eyes when he and his servant entourage had just crossed the Western Palace area and saw Yeon-hee and the servants moving toward him. Yi Baek gave a slanted smile to see his wife, who had been so busy for a few weeks.

Based on the information he received from Eunuch Kim, Yeon-hee worked hard to keep anyone from visiting Concubine Kang's resident. Yi Baek was wondering how bad the condition of his new concubine was. Until then, the red-robed man decided to stay in place, waiting for Yeon-hee's steps to approach him.

Yeon-hee stopped her steps and offered greetings to her husband, who had accidentally passed her. I'm not sure how long he went without seeing Yi Baek after the unfortunate night.

"It is unexpected to meet you here, your Majesty," greet Yeon-hee.

"I see you are so busy, My Queen. I feel guilty for adding to your workload with what happened a few weeks ago. I regret having acted out of control like that," Yi Baek told in regret while his lips gave a triumphant smile.

Yeon-hee straightened her body but still lowered her eyes. Yeon-hee knows very well that the unfortunate incident experienced by concubine Kang was the intentional act of Yi Baek. The man was eager to destroy himself by making Yeon-hee need to cover up the bad actions he took against his concubines. As a harem leader, it is Yeon-hee's duty to cover her husband's disgrace so as not to spread it throughout the palace.

A smile appeared on Yeon-hee's face as he responded to the ridicule from Yi Baek. "Thanks to you, I have many tasks that need to be completed. Even so, you should be careful when choosing prey. Because this one prey can cause a huge commotion that puts you in danger. The woman in the southern palace will certainly not remain silent if she knows what actually happened, Your Majesty."

Yi Baek laughed as Yeon-hee began to criticize him. Yi Baek's dark eyes looked at Yeon-hee's face as she put on a flat expression as usual. Really, Yi Baek was very entertained by the new queen he married. Apparently, Yeon-hee is very different from his late wife. And Yi Baek was sure that Yeon-hee would make her life full of surprises.

"Aigoo, the queen has dared to criticize me. Am I a tyrannical king based on my actions?" asked Yi Baek, who walked closer until he was only a few inches away from Yeon-hee, who was still frozen on the spot and stared coldly at Yi Baek.

"Tell me, do you think my actions that hurt the concubines are too much? Then, what if I say that is my way to have sex with them?" hissed Yi Baek, who brought his face closer to Yeon-hee so that the woman could see the twinkle of hatred embedded in her dark beads.

Yeon-hee pulled the corner of her lips upward to form a slanted smile. "Your Majesty, rather than criticizing your actions, it will be far more useful if I give you some advice."

"Advice? Hahaha. What advice will I give my cold queen? Say it! I'm curious about the advice that will be given by you," insisted Yi Baek.

"I know the reason you hurt the concubines. You avoid the duties to have heirs from concubines. Instead of you continuing to take ineffective actions like that, I suggest you better think about new plans. Because ... " Yeon-hee moved her face closer to her husband's ears in order to whisper.

"The Royal Queen Dowager will not stop forcing you to have an heir from the concubine she chooses."

After whispering like that, Yeon-hee distanced himself from Yi Baek. The smile of the knot frames his cold tears. "I hope you prepare yourself because the ministers will urge you. Please forgive my rudeness, Your Majesty."

Yi Baek moved away to the side, letting Yeon-hee pass by. Yi Baek's eyes stared intently at the back of Yeon-hee, who moved further away from where to stand. Really, Yi Baek was surprised by the advice given by Yeon-hee. Yi Baek felt that the woman had a hidden plan behind her advice earlier. And Yi Baek was not a naive boy who reign as king.

Yi Baek knew, and Yeon-hee indirectly said that he trusted Yeon-hee to contain her heir. Yi Baek had never trusted her queen before get Yeon-hee's true identity.

"Before I know what did you want with enter the palace, I can't trust you," Yi Baek hissed with a look from Yeon-hee, who had disappeared from his visibility.