
Before, I keep on thinking how I ended up this way. I keep on finding reasons behind the things that have happened before.

But now? All I can say is that everything happened because it has to. Those things have a role to play or have played in our lives which could either make or break us. There's no point on grieving over something that we don't have any control anymore, I almost destroyed myself by doing that. But now, I think I have come to a resolution, and the best thing to do is to wait and to accept.

Yes, wait. Wait for the right time when those questions should be answered.

Me? I led a life where I follow my own intuition. But because those things happened, I learned to look at all the sides of things, to be sensitive enough to other's feelings.

I cried a lot, I laughed so much, I loved to the deepest part of my being, and most of all, I learned.

I wouldn't be here, contented and happy with Lance if all of that didn't happen. I accepted all of it, forgive everyone and myself.

Because of it all, and maybe, the reason why I have to go through all that is to reach this highest, most absolute kind of feeling called true love.

Indeed, because now, I have this unfailing warmth beside me to have someone to happily skip with under the eternal fall of this wonderful rain.