I died... right?

Tired. I'm super tired. That was all I could think of as I closed all the tabs on my computer before shutting it down. My shift is done for the day, and I'm preparing to leave work. But all I could think of was how tired I was. In fact, this has been my very thought every day these past few days.

Many people may be surprised as to why I am struggling. I wake up, report to my 8-hour high-paying job, and go home once I'm done. But that's what's tiring, how monotonous my life was. And it's a life I can't even alter because I'm a 30-year-old single woman with no savings and a family depending solely on her.

Tiring. Even mere thinking of it was draining me. I once have dreams, but poverty is slowly killing them. I'm no longer in the position to dream. My life is not allowing me to. And it feels like I'm no longer living but just trying to survive. And I'm barely surviving.

I picked up my phone and was about to shove it into my bag when its screen lit up due to a notification. But instead of checking the message that had popped up, my attention went to the screen saver on my phone.

It was a picture of a handsome man smiling at the camera. It was Raiden Von Perez. He was a famous singer and actor, and he was my idol. He used to inspire me a lot. He was once the reason for me to keep going… until he killed himself.

How long was it already? A couple of years?

Lots of fans mourned for him. And no one knows why he did it. He was at the peak of his career, and everybody loved him, but he decided to leave on his own. But why? What pushed him to the edge? When did he think it was time to give up? Did he feel the same feelings I am having now?

I took a deep breath and let it out to calm myself. Very dark thoughts, Chie. Not good.

I wanted to laugh. I can't even afford to give up because my family needs me. And leaving on my own would be selfishness.

With a resigned sigh, I finally shoved my things into my bag. Once that was done, I picked up my bag and said my goodbyes to my officemates, who were still not done for the day.

As I walked into the elevator, I checked the time on my wristwatch. It's passed 4 AM. That's right; I am forever on the night shift. Not something I have control over, but looking on the bright side, I get a night differential bonus. Although, I do not think that evens out the toll the shift causes on my health. Again, not something I have control over, so whatever.

My heart started to pound when the darkness greeted me as I stepped out of the building. Our office building is situated in the middle of a commercial area, surrounded by a few shopping malls, a hotel, and more office buildings. It's pretty busy during the day but eerily quiet during nighttime, which I don't usually mind.

Strange. I have left the office and walked the same road leading to the bus station every day at the exact same time for the past three years, and this was the first time that the darkness has affected me.

I turned towards the shopping mall just across from our building. To get to the bus station, I would have to walk past that mall which looks strangely creepier than it usually was.

Should I just go back to the office and wait for sunrise before I leave? I considered.

But before sunrise, I would have to wait a couple or more hours. Precious hours that I could use to catch up on sleep, as I'm clearly lacking some these days.

Come on, Chie! Don't think too much of it. You're just being paranoid. I convinced myself and started to walk.

I was halfway past the side of the mall when I heard footsteps behind me. They sounded heavy and disconcertingly close. My heart picked up once again, a lot faster this time.

Calm down, Chie. It might just be someone who needs to get to the terminal too. He's not chasing after you. I tried convincing myself again, but I'm much of a coward that I can't help but quicken my steps to at least put some distance between me and whoever was behind me. But to my horror, I also heard the footsteps behind pick up. As if trying to catch up on me.

Yup, we can panic! My brain shouted as I broke into a run. But I was pretty sure I wasn't fast enough as I could still hear the footsteps thudding quickly behind me. And they were too close for comfort.

There it was. I can now see the lights on the roof of the bus terminal. It will be safe there as there will be people. Almost there…

Something caught my arm and tugged, and I found myself being spun around. I gasped when my eyes met a pair of dark, unfamiliar ones. Before I could push out a scream, I felt a jab on my stomach. Once, twice, three times… I lost count. And then it stopped.

The hold on my arm dropped just as I reached my hand to my stomach. Wet… what the?

I felt weak, and my knees buckled. I dropped like a rag doll on the cold concrete road.

I blinked. My dimming sight caught those black boots backing away. Further away, until the darkness finally consumed me.


I woke up with a gasp, my heart still rummaging in my chest.

Was that a dream? I could swear it was all real. The fear, the pain, the darkness. They all felt so real.

But as I scanned my surroundings, my confusion just worsened. This place looks exactly like my room. My bed, my desk, my stuff. All mine!

Did I get home okay? How?

I sunk my face into the palm of my hands, frustrated and confused. What's wrong with you, Chiara?

I wasn't even drunk, for Christ's sake! How did I manage to get home without remembering how?

I was still doubting my sanity when the door of my room flew open, and I was greeted by the grinning face of Kenji, my best friend.

My frown deepened.

"Aren't you supposed to be filming at---"

"Happy Birthday!" he shouted. That was when I noticed the round chocolate cake he was holding. A couple of lit candles were poking on top of it.

"Dude, are you tripping'? It's not my---" I started just as my whole family came bursting into my room. And as if that was not enough to surprise me, they started singing Happy Birthday to me gleefully. My jaw dropped.

"Come on, sis. Blow your candles," my younger brother urged.

What in the actual hell is going on?!!!