Just another fan... or not?

Have you ever watched a movie where they make handsome people appear as if they were deliberately shining in front of your eyes? I laugh and mock such movie scenes, but I might no longer do that again after today. Because I could swear I was now seeing a halo-like light around his handsome face, and it was all I could care about now.

He had this pair of piercing amber eyes under natural thick and long eyelashes, a perfect and proud nose, a well-defined jawline, and full lips. His jet-black hair was styled to look like someone had just run her fingers through it (I envy whomever his stylist is). He was dressed in a black suit that perfectly fits his well-toned body. He looks like he was pulled out of a popular romantic novel where every reader falls for the perfect male lead.

I didn't even realize I was gawking at him for too long until he cleared his throat. I blinked but could not wholly peel my eyes off his perfect face and physique. Oh, God! Get a hold of yourself, Chie! My brain shouted.

But who would find fault in how I behave? I'm standing in front of the most famous man in the land—Raiden Von Perez in the flesh. I'm sure anyone in such a situation would behave the same as I did. I mean, look at him standing all hot and mighty. Was that how the idiom goes? Is that even used like that? Well, whatever. You get my point.

It took all my power to finally peel my eyes off him and return to looking at the cemented floor. Yes, this is safer.

"I-I'm sorry. I am---" I started with the best volume I could muster, which is extremely low, by the way, but was cut off when I heard him speak again. Yes, he has that effect on everyone. He makes you want to forget everything and listen to what he is saying.

"Follow me," he said, and without waiting for my answer, he turned towards the door, opened it, and let himself into the room.

"Eh?" confused, I looked around, expecting someone to call me out or warn me not to enter the room. Fans aren't supposed to enter his dressing room, right? Or is this somehow included in the favor Kenji had supposedly asked of him?

I looked at the door he left open as if waiting for me to follow him in. That does look both inviting and scary at the same time. I'm not even sure if I should be here in the first place.

I peeked through the open door and saw Raiden already sitting in the chair in front of a well-lit vanity mirror. I flinched when his head turned towards the door; his eyes fixed on my face.

"Come in." he casually urged.

"Ahm…" come on, Chie! Use your words!

I can imagine how dumb I must have looked at the moment, but my body refuses to cooperate. Is this still normal?

As if to answer my not-so-helpful answer, he tilted his head as encouragement.

"Yeah, okay!" was the best I could say, and I finally let myself in.

I got a whiff of the sweet flowery scent as soon as I entered the room, and my eyes landed on the bouquet of flowers placed on top of the table. The show hasn't even started, and someone must have already sent them to congratulate him.

Who am I kidding pretending to be interested in those flowers? I am only looking at them because I know how he affects me, and looking at him directly was not going to be a good idea.

I jumped at the sound of the chair being moved, but I did not dare to look as I knew it was him sitting on said chair.

"What's your name?" he asked.

His voice was like music to my ears, and he wasn't even singing yet. God, I'm being so weird!

"Chiara." I managed to say without looking at him.

"You know, if you're gonna be working for me, you would at least have to be able to look at me."

Easy for you to say. Do you even know how perfect your face is and how it affects your fans' poor little hearts? I thought. Wait, work?

"What?" my head snapped back up, but my brain turned mush again when our eyes met. He was still sitting in the chair, but it was now arranged to face me.

"As a personal assistant, that is included in your job description. You know, taking care of me? Which translates to looking at me most of the time." He explained, brows slightly furrowed now.

"P-personal assistant?" I piped in my tiniest voice. What is happening exactly?

He sighed. Oh no, am I getting kicked out of here now?

"Aren't you my new personal assistant?"


Okay, this was officially the dumbest conversation I've ever had with someone, and it looks like it was entirely my fault. I'm no longer going to be surprised when he kicks me out of this place himself and literally.

He was looking at me intently without uttering another word when we heard noises outside. We both turned at the open door just as Kenji, Maria, and a pretty girl with long wavy hair walked in. Admittedly, the pretty girl makes me insecure about my plain-looking self. Not to mention my equally plain-looking get-up of a black shirt, denim shorts, and white rubber shoes. I compared it to her neat white blouse, pink pleated skirt, and ballerina shoes, and I felt my confidence deflate a little more. Well, of what little confidence I initially had, that is.

"Hey, you've finally met!" Kenji joyfully jumped in while looking at me and then at Raiden. He walked straight towards me and rested his arm around my shoulders. "This is my---"

Kenji was not able to finish his introductions when Raiden suddenly threw something in my direction. Though my reflexes were rusty originally, I was able to clumsily catch the object. I then confusedly stared at the car key now on top of my palm.

"Could you get my phone? I left it in the car." Raiden said, which made me look at him.

"Raiden, why are you asking Chiara?" Maria interjected and turned to the pretty girl beside her. "Myrene, grab the key and fetch Raiden's phone from his car." She ordered.

"Sure!" the girl happily chirped and walked towards me to get the key but was stopped in her tracks when Raiden spoke again.

"No, Chiara will get it." He firmly said.

"But Chiara's not your assistant. Myrene is." Maria protested just as firmly.

"Yes, she is." He answered and brought his attention back to me. "Aren't you?"

Four pairs of eyes focused on me, patiently waiting for my answer. My eyes scanned each and everyone's faces until finally landing on Raiden's. I wasn't sure if I had imagined it, but I caught him nodding slightly, almost unrecognizable.

And an idea jumped into my head. This is my second chance at life; I might as well do something to make this meaningful.

"Yup. I am."