Shen Mu

Shen Mu yelled at her as he grabbed his shirt, squinting his nose like he touched something dirty.

Both Shen Mu and Shen Xin had black eyes along with brown hair that resembles their father, Shen Ming.

But Shen Xueran resembled her mother more than her father. And she secretly felt proud of this in her heart.

Shen Mu was a boy, so he was naturally a little taller than her, while she looked equal to Shen Xin.

Shen Xueran was rubbing her nose as she looked at him silently.

"It's you! I thought it was some garbage! What the h*ll are you doing here?" Shen Mu asked her with a disgusted face.

However, Shen Xueran remained silent as she was observing him briefly .

"What, why don't you speak? or have you become mute after a good beating?" Shen Mu mocked her, because he was feeling suppressed and uncomfortable under her sharp gaze.

Whenever Shen Mu bullied and mocked her, she always caused a ruckus. And this made Shen Ming to yell at her and even lock her up.

But this time, he bumped into her and even provoked her, but she was quietly looking at him, not causing a huge fuss like before.

"What? Why don't you say anything?" Shen Mu was feeling anxious from her silence and he was annoyed to death by her calmness. He yelled at her again to vent out his anger.

"Hmm, probably because I don't want to make a fuss with a child?" Shen Xueran shrugged as she finally spoke out calmly.

She really didn't want to waste her words and breath on an annoying brat who knew nothing about this world. Instead of wasting her words, Shen Xue really wanted to beat him to a pulp and teach him a good lesson.

But if she beats him now, after that old man comes back, Shen Mu will nag on him, and he will definitely lock her up again.

Shen Ming was currently outside of the country on a business trip. So they had much time to bully her slowly and enjoy, since he will come back after a week.

If Shen Mu can anger Shen Xueran now and get a beating, then when Shen Ming comes back, he can create a big fuss about how Shen Xueran beat him up on the first day of his arrival. This will surely ignite the flame of anger of Shen Ming.

"Step aside, I wanna go back to my room. You are standing on my way.", she calmly spoke out again.

Shen Mu, "..."

Shen Xueran has no reason to get angry. Because she knew very well what his intention was.

Every time her step siblings spoke bad about her in front of her father, he never investigated the reason and yelled at her, beat her up or even locked her in her room without any food or water.

He will tell her to reflect on what she did though she didn't do anything wrong.

Shen Mu was finding an opportunity to get her scolded by his father right now, so he was trying to provoke her.

Shen Xueran moved aside and went up to her room directly without looking back once.

'Oh, now you are pretending to be calm to get into fathers good side. Alright, I'll see how long you're gonna hold back!' Shen Mu greeted his teeth silently as he stomped his foot on the stair and went out of the manor with large strides.

Shen Xueran has already returned to her room. But when she opened the door of the room, she was dumbfounded.


The room was dyed with a terrible pink color and so many posters of pop young idols. This bright pink color was hurting her eyes.

Previously Shen Xueran didn't have any idea about maintaining a room perfectly, so her room was all messy here and there.

'The room is messy and Shen Xueran didn't have much clothes to were, almost all of them she had was already very old to wire them.'

'Shen Ming didn't give her any pocket money because of the ruckus she made before, he cut off her pocket money in half.'

'I also don't have a computer to do my work. If I can manage to buy one, I don't have to care about this money issue, and also I can help mom with her work,' Shen Xueran thought as she planned to take care of all this.

Money was the only thing she needed the most right now.

Shen Xue rolled up her sleeves and started to clean up her room.

She tore up all the posters and started to take out all of her flashy clothes. Then threw all them on a bag.

After cleaning up the entire area, she finally called the butler.

"Uncle Wu, tell someone to take this bag away and I'm going out to buy some paints. I'll come back after a while. So don't let anyone else in my room till I come back," Shen Xueran told him when she was getting ready to go out.

Butler Wu was stunned when he saw her room was all clean. Usually the Young Master's room was all messy and he didn't let anyone clean it up. He didn't even bothered about these things.

But today when he saw the Young Master was finally encouraged to clean up his room, he felt like he was seeing things.

'My Young Master has finally grown up,' he cried in joy in his mind with sparkling eyes.

"Don't worry, Young Master. I am taking them by myself, and no one will get into your room until you come back," he assured Shen Xueran and went out of her room with full spirits.

'Hmm. I guess I'll need some money to buy things, where is the card?' Shen Xue started to look for the card that Shen Xueran used.

She didn't have much money in the card either. Only 5000 RMB was left in the card. But this much was enough for her to buy things she needed for now.

'Why am I so poor!' she really wanted to cry but lacked tears!

"Hmm... This much will do for now," she mumbled as she found out the card and got out of the manor to go to a paint shop.