Recalling Past Memories

Shen Xueran entered the classroom and sat on her seat as usual. Mu Yanran also greeted him and started blabbering about the gossip that was going on in the school group.

Although Shen Xueran wasn't paying attention that much, only adding Yeah, No and Uh, but Mu Yanran didn't seem to have any energy drowned out of her.

Qiao Jin wanted to make trouble again, she could tell just by looking at his eyes which were making a black hole on her head from behind.

She tilted her head to look at him from sideways, giving off a sly smile.

Qiao Jin was not used to her smile, It was way too creepy!

He gave up the idea and looked sideways, causing her to laugh out loud.

'Damn! What was that?'

Qiao Jin tightened his fist under the desk, he really wanted to go and trow a punch at his  face right now. But in the end he really gave up.

His stomach still hurts from the previous kick , he didn't want to add new injuries on his body!

Although he didn't know how this weak wimp suddenly turned so strong and dashing, but he knew that he wasn't a match for this wimp anymore. 

He lowered his head, thinking about things.

Shen Xueran can only respond to the *chatterbox quietly till the teacher enters the class.

Teacher Ye took their math class. He was always energetic and polite to his students, not differentiating between weak and genius students.

So the previous Shen Xueran liked this teacher since he always helped her with math problems.

As usual, Teacher Ye entered the class and greeted the students. After that, he took out some sheets as he was speaking," Students, today I'll not take any class. There is a little surprise test for all. I want to see how much you progress your studies during this long break."

"So get ready, I'll give you papers now," He started to give every student the sheets with questions in it.

He already said the reason for this surprise test, so the students didn't have any reason to argue with him.

After the papers were given, the entire class turned drop dead silent.

Despite Teacher Ye being a cheerful person, during exams he was very strict with the rules and the students knew it very well. So they started to solve the paper without any question.

Shen Xueran also had the papers in her hand. She looked at the questions in her hand. After that, Shen Xueran was sitting idly, passing her time leisurely.

All the question was too easy for Shen Xueran, because she was a graduate of university in her previous life. So she tried to analyze them and turn them into an even difficult to pass her time.

Mu Yanran saw that most of the Shen Xueran's paper was blank and he was only scribbling meaninglessly in the paper. So she offered him to take her paper and fill his.

But Shen Xueran politely rejected her offer by saying that he didn't need her help.

The test continued for one hour. Before three minutes of time ending, Shen Xueran took her pen and started writing her answers.

From a total of fifty questions, she answered forty three questions, leaving seven more questions without answering.

Mu Yanran was surprised when she saw him filling the papers.

'How did he do those math? He didn't do any calculations on paper, did he do them in his mind? impossible!' Mu Yanran was astonished by this side of Shen Xueran.

After collecting papers, Teacher Ye greeted them again and left the class.

After this, there were three more classes before lunch break. And every teacher told them to get preparation for the exams.

There will be surprise tests for other subjects as well this week. So the teachers encouraged them to engross themselves in studies.

Shen Xueran had her lunch, then silently left the cafeteria. Walking towards the Banyan tree of the campus.

'There are so many memories that were related with this Banyan tree. This tree was the place where she met with that man for the first time and also for the last time,' Shen Xueran was absent minded as she sat on the roots of the tree.

Whenever Shen Xueran got upset or got bullied in the school, she came here and sat on the tree roots to vent.

The cool wind that came refreshed her body and mind. She felt relieved whenever she came here. This time was also the same.

That person was her salvation. Even when no one was there by her side when she needed them the most, he was always always by her side even in her dark past.

Shen Xue liked the character when she was reading the book because of his quiet and gentle character and also the way he consoled real Shen Xueran. If it was not because of that incident, she would've met with him a long time ago.

'Should I try to meet him for once?' Shen Xue pondered over this for some time, then gave up.

'I don't have the courage to do so.'

Shen Xue sat there quietly and planned her schedule for the day with her eyes closed, sitting with guard down for a while.

After the break was over, she took her classes as usual. Then, she left for the internet cafe again.

Note : Chatterbox reffered to Mu Yanran