Fu Yaoyao

The girl had her hair tied into two cute little braids, she looked very adorable as she looked up at him with her big bright eyes.

Fu Jinyan always liked his cousin sister very much. He is an only child of his parents, so he didn't have any siblings. Among his cousins, he liked this little one very much because of her intelligence and her cuteness.

She was close to him as well, he loved to spoil her despite whatever his parents and his uncle said.

"How are you now? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" He asked her with a gentle voice.

"No, I'm all right now!" she answered him, acting cute.

The girls almost fainted by her cuteness!

'Oh my god! Why is she so adorable!?'

Her exquisite facial features and her cute voice almost melted them. Fu Jinyan felt both proud and worried, because she may have her trauma back.

It didn't take much time since she experienced such a bad incident, it was not yet time for her to meet with so many people. So he gestured to Qiao Jin to say something.

"Hello, Yaoyao! Did you forget this brother here? I'm so hurt!" Qiao Jin pretended to be heartbroken.

"I didn't! You are the one who forgot me. You didn't come to see me," she pouted and looked away .

"Alright, alright. It's My bad that I didn't go to see my princess. How about letting me apologize by showing you around the school?" Qiao Jin asked her with an amusing look on his face.

"Hmm… Okay then. Brother, let's go," she held Fu Jinyan's hand as she walked through the crowd and went inside.


From a distance, Shen Xueran saw Fu Yaoyao as she was walking with Fu Jinyan.

'Isn't she that little girl I helped to rescue last week?' Shen Xueran furrowed her eyes as she looked at the little girl who was walking away happily with Fu Jinyan.

'That girl is his cousin?' she was a little puzzled.

She was her mission in the previous week. Fu Jinyan's uncle was a high ranking officer in the military. And he had very important files in hand. They kidnapped her to use as a bait to take these information from him.

They also threatened him not to try any way to get to them, or the girl would be in danger. But he was clever enough to not do anything to them by himself. Instead, he asked Undercover for help in secret. And they entrusted her with the mission so that the girl will be safe.

Later, they sent her a file after the mission was successful. They also mentioned to keep an eye on the girl. But she didn't expect her to get transferred to this school directly.

Anyway, she didn't see Shen Xueran's face, so she couldn't tell it was her.

Or so she thought…


They finished the tour around school. Then Qiao Jin saw there was nothing else to see anymore. But Fu Yaoyao was curious as she asked, "Brother, I didn't see any other friends of yours or any students here. Where are they?"

She knew everyone in Fu Jinyan's friend circle, because every one of them were from prestigious families and they came to all of their events.

But none of then were present here, nor any students could be seen anywhere.

"They didn't participate in the Welcome ceremony, so maybe they are in the class. Do you want to see them?" He asked her.

"Of course I want to, let's go," She started to walk again. Since all of them adored his sister, Fu Jinyan didn't mind taking her there.

When they were crossing Mu Yanran's class, he stopped walking. He can introduce Mu Yanran with Yaoyao as well. They can accompany each other when they are in school. So he stopped in his tracks as he called her.

"Yaoyao, Didn't you say you want to see my girlfriend? Do you want to meet her now?" he asked Fu Yaoyao nonchalantly.

"She can accompany you when you are at school and you two can play and hang around together."

"Yes, I almost forgot. Where is she? Is she in the same class as you?" Fu Yaoyao was interested immediately.

"She is in that class. Let's go, I'll introduce you with her," he pointed at the classroom before them.

So they went inside the room. Since today teachers were busy, so they didn't have class for now. Students were busy within themselves. But when they entered, their eyes looked at the directions as they started to talk.

'Isn't it Young Master Fu? Who is the girl beside him?'

'She is the girl everyone was talking about, his cousin'

'Is that so? She looks cute!'

'Yeah! So Adorable!'

'I want to pinch her chubby face!'

'But why is he here?'

'Probably came looking for that girl Yanran, I heard he will introduce them so that she can accompany his little cousin'

'Wow! Mu Yanran is so lucky!'

Fu Jinyan pointed his finger at the corner, "There you see the girl sitting opposite to the window, she is Mu Yanran."

Fu Yaoyao also looked at the pointed direction, but her eyes stopped at the boy sitting by the window.

It took a moment before she thought about something before she became excited as she shouted while waving her hands, "Hello!"

A/N: I Accidentally deleted the chapter after writing, so I needed to write the whole chapter again TT