Chapter 7

He let go of my hand only after we came out.We came and stopped near the security room. The environment was quite dark and humid and it was drizzling at that time. But it is still only two in the afternoon. I held the bag above my head.

He moved a few steps ahead of me and threw the bag at me.It was sudden move. what if couldn't catch it. surely he will insult me. It was done on purpose so I was angry.

" Youre rude, why did you bring me here now? Are you insane? " I started scolding him.

He turned back and came to me saying "what did you say?" "I said your" I didn't finish. He took off the winter hat he was wearing and put it on me as an ear cover. At the same time he put a helmet in my hand and walked forward.

Thought his behavior was a bit strange but I followed him.Is he really trying to come to my house but why?

He came on a motorcycle saying "Hey ugly, we are getting late, get on". I can't even see his face cause of helmate. I boarded it without saying anything.

I am going on a motorcycle like this after a long time. I haven't had such an opportunity since I went with my father as a child.It's a beautiful memory.

After a while, it started to rain heavily. These days it is impossible to predict exactly time when the rain will start. It's a normal thing here as the summer session is around the corner. Everyone who goes out these days must have an umbrella or a raincoat.

He didn't seem to mind the rain and instead continued to speed up. Why can't he stop the motorcycle in a place where we won't get wet? It doesn't matter, he is a egoistic person anyway, so he won't listen to what I have to say. And we are completely wet now, there is no point in stopping.

"Where are we going?" I asked him several times, but he didn't answer.I did not feel afraid. because he showed us his bad behavior but I realized that he is a good person in heart after a few days of hangout with him.

Every human being has a good side. But I hate this man. It will always be like that.

Finally we came to a big house with a big gate.I got off the motorcycle and looked around in surprise.

Jake hit my hand and signaled me to come inside the house. I don't understand that. So I stood there and tried to understand what he was saying.He looked at me with a so done look and then he came to me and grabbed a part of my bag and pulled me inside.

It's a beautiful house, and I saw a big picture of Jake in the living room. So this is his house. wait a minute why am i here?

Then an old man came from the upper floor, his name is Aisek.

He came to me and took the bags in my hand with an innocent smile.

At the same time, there came a rather fat man who looked about 60 years old with a smoking pipe in his hand. I saw him scrutinizing me from head to toe.I looked at him and smiled. He also entertained with a smile.

" Hello young lady, I think you should be my grandson's colleague."He said while sitting on the sofa there.

Before I could say anything, Jake drag me to upstairs. we finally stopped in his bedroom.

"what happened Do you treat your family the same way? He is your grandfather. Why can't you speak well? " I said slowly.

"I don't want to listen to your lectures. Change the wet clothes and wear these clothes." He took out two clothes from his closet and threw them at me.

After that, he jumped on the bed with his wet clothes on. "The bathroom is here," he pointed out.

I picked up the two clothes and went towards it.

Better not to talk to him. Or he'll scream like a devil.

I took a quick shower. He was sleeping when I came. I wanted to wake him up but thought it best to wait for a while.I sat on a chair there. I also fell asleep because it was raining and cold. When I woke up, Jake wasn't there. I got up from there and started looking for him.

"Are you looking for me baby" he whispered in my ear while standing behind me.

I turned back angrily.

He is packing a bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a frown .

He just laughed at that. It is now around 6 pm and I still don't know why I was brought here.

I walked around in his room till then. It was not a big room and there was no order. But it seemed that he was studying about our new project. Because there were parts of different types of plants all over the table.

Finally, he sat up and walked out of the room, carrying the bag he was packing. I also walked behind him.

Stepping forward, he said something to Aisek and turned to me. Then Aisek smiled as he handed me my bag saying "see you again little lady".

After saying goodbye to him, we got back on the motorcycle and left to go to my house.

Jake's grandfather was not seen again when we came from that house. He must be angry with his grandfather. I thought about asking about it, but on the way, jake kept silent again.

He seems to be thinking a lot about something. He didn't say a word until he went home. He got off the motorcycle and, "Which floor is your house on?" asked, looking up. Not only him. Some of the questions he asks are very absurd.

" So this is the place you live " saying that he came inside the house and started walking around the house. I collected the books that were everywhere and went to the bedroom.

After that I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Babe can I see your room" Jake was behind me, I gasped. "Aren't you ashamed to ask to see a girl's room, and I also wanted to know why you want to be here today" I said angrily. He rolled his eyes and left.

When I came into the living room with something to drink, he was looking at a window. I took the tray and placed it on the table and stood next to him.

At that time someone knocked on the door. Jake went to the door saying I'll see. "Have you been here for a long time, why didn't you take a call?" Emi came in. Surprisingly, Cross also came with her.

seems like they are very close. I saw Emi and Jake talking alone while me and Cross were sitting at the dining table.

Then he wanted to meet Emi.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Cross started to speak, breaking the silence.

I looked at him as if to say what you mean.

"No, I mean, you thought about it, didn't you?" he asked again. I didn't react but to look at him.

Why is he behaving like this, he has been avoiding me for almost a month now. I noticed something, whenever he saw me with jake he got mad and started to avoid me.

I tried to get up from there but Cross stopped me. "Stay with me" he said.

I sat back down and looked at Emi and Jake. I saw them going to my bedroom talking.

I turned to look at Cross and saw him already looking at me. He must have seen it, there is no reason not to see it.

Cross seems to have forgotten all his anger. he followed me everywhere and also helped me make dinner.

Even after making dinner, those two still did not come out of the room.

"Mmmh Cross" I called him as I cleared my throat. He is looking at me, so I started talking again. "I think Emi got a boyfriend right?"

"I think so" he said briefly without giving a specific answer.But that's not the answer I wanted.