WebNovelHARMONY 148.78%


Harmony's point of view:

I slowly open my eyes to the knock on my door. I stretch myself on the bed before walking to open the door.

"Reseda, what's going on?" I sleepily ask

"We are late." She walks in and sits on the bed.

"Oh my goodness, the training!" I run to the shower while taking off my night gown. The curtain opens up itself, I rush in. Reseda chuckles in amusement.

"I'll make your bed so long!" She shouts.

"Thank you!"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I permit

"Are you still a virgin?" She inquires.


My eyes widen, it's kind of a weird question to me.

"Yeah, of course I am," I respond

"That's good,"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because, here, if you are not a virgin you can not marry, and once you get married you are married forever," she says

"Oh, I think that's good," I say

"Yeah, especially if you are going to marry the prince, like for example...Prince Liam,'"

I roll my eyes, "of course she'd say Liam wait…" my eyes widen.

"Prince Liam!?" I shout in shock


"He is a prince!?"

"Didn't you know he was a prince?" she asks. I quickly shower and rush out. I grab the towel on the hook next to the shower, wrap it around me and the curtain opens for me to go out.

I run to her, "he is a prince?" I eagerly inquire.

"There's soap on your ears" She laughs. I loosen a piece of the towel and wipe it off.

"I like your natural hair," she admires, "I also love making my hair like that."

"You can also make your hair afro?..."

"What's that?"

"I mean make your hair like this," I clarify while touching my hair.

"Yes of course, I just use the styling brush,"

"But your hair looks…"


"In this world, you can have any hair you wish, straight, curly, coily, whatever you wish, but this is my natural hair."


"And yes, Liam is a prince," she confirms.

"I hugged the prince?" I calmly ask.

"Come on, now you are overreacting, Bexy has done worse than that, so calm down. You are a princess anyway,"

I stare down in thought, "I guess…" I look up to her. "Why he never told me though?"

"I guess he was just busy getting to know you, that he forgot to introduce himself," she opines.


"So…have you decided?" she sits on the bed.

"On what?" I wonder.

"The necklace…"

"Oh, yeah," I nod. I walk over to my left side pillow and take out the box. I open it, "I'm ready." I take the necklace and put it on.

I thought about it a lot last night. What have I got to lose? I don't have parents, I have no one, maybe this is real, maybe I do have parents and this is my chance to save them.

Reseda's face brightens up as she smiles at me. I smile back. She hugs me.

"Welcome to the family,"

I feel…like I belong. A family.

"Now come on," she unwraps her arm around me. "time to transform,"


"Into your battle clothes,"

"Oh, how do you do that?"

"Just touch the necklace, and in your head say: transform,"

"That's all?"


I take a deep breath, "Okay." I put my right hand on the necklace, "transform."

A link light covers my whole body and I close my eyes because it's too bright, it disappears as quickly as it came.

I open my eyes.

"You…are a natural,"

I grin looking down at myself.

"I want to see this," I excitedly run into the dressing room. She slowly follows

"Oh my…" I grin uncontrollably, looking at myself on the long mirror next to my dressing table.

"The more you transform, the quicker you will transform," she informs, "like how Liam did, did you see him yesterday?"

"Yeah," I turn around to see the back and turn to see the front again.

Pink, sleeveless dress that goes until the knees with a waist-high slit on each side. Under that is a pair of tight, white leather pants followed by pink knee-high boots with two white straps on the sides. Two plated lines on the sides of my head going up and tied together with the unplated hair into a high ponytail. And finally, some white, leather gloves going up until under my elbows.

"Cool…"I admire

"I'm glad you like it."

"Come on we have to go, we're going to be late,"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot,"

"Aren't you going to transform?" I ask her before we exit the room.

"Oh yeah…" she remembers, "I almost forgot," she grins in . As fast as lightning, her clothes change without even a light appearing or anything.


She has a white, long sleeve leather jumpsuit with yellow patterns, the shoulders of her jumpsuit is lace. Some white fingerless gloves and yellow thigh-high boots. The top part of her hair is tied into a ponytail while the lower part is left untied. Her aquoval shaped nails painted yellow with a diamond s-shaped pattern on the ring finger.

"How did you do that? You didn't even struggle," I ask in astonishment.

"I'm used to it, you will get there soon, don't worry" she smiles. "Come on, let's get some breakfast first, then we will join the others."


"Where's the training place"

"Outside," she responds as we exit through the back door of the school. In front of us, is a huge building, same length and height as the main building, but it's a one-story. It's made of orange, diamond-like glass, you can't see through it. It has arched, white two-door entrances one on the left and the other on the right made of the same glass but you can tell where the doors are because of the arched golden line outlining the doors. There's a big space that we have to walk through between the training hall and the main building.

"So the whole school trains together?" I clarify

"No, the guardians use the entrance on the left and the others use the entrance of the right, because our training is different from theirs,"

"Oh, because you're guardians,"


"But why does the school train non-guardians also then?"

"Because this is a school for all, and it's the most high standard school of training in all of Melda, not many can get into Elphia, they must pass the Elphia entrance challenge which is very difficult as I heard from those that did it,"

"You didn't do it?"

"No, as a guardian I don't need to do it,"

"Oh, so everyone here is a fighter?"

She giggles, "No, only those that desire to become protectors of Melda go to training schools, other than that, we also have music schools mostly in Musiana, fashion mostly in Irene and so on…"


"And also, this is the only school of Guardians in all of Melda."

I look around, "I have so many questions about this place."

"I know," she smiles at me. "But I don't think I can answer them in one day,"

I giggle, "Yeah…"

"Though, I'm sure soon you will fully know Melda."

I gladly smile at her. Four steps away from the door and it slides open in opposite directions on its own. We walk in. Everyone is here, all dressed up. Cari in her white and ocean blue jumpsuit with her blue, box-braided long hair. Teva in a dark-green jumpsuit made of small flower petals. Alina in a pair of purple leather leggings with purple long sleeve crop top with white patterns and her hair slicked back into a low ponytail. Michael in orange, leather pants and a long, thin, sleeveless leather coat with slits on the sides fastened by a white belt, and from the looks of it, he is not wearing a top inside. Max in red leather armour made of curved plates fastened in front by leather straps and metal buckles. Tecno is also wearing a blue armour, same as Max's but his has strips of leather hanging from the waist until halfway his thigh as well as two matching bracers protecting his forearms with white lines outlining each piece of his armour. Finally, Clyden, in his grey, sleeveless, tight turtle neck jumpsuit.

"Wait…where's Liam? I knew I was missing something."

"Glad you finally decided to join us," teacher smiles with her hands joined together in front.

"We are sorry teacher," Reseda innocently replies as we join the others in the middle of this huge building. The floor is made of diamond, the whole building is! But it's not slippery at all.

She looks to me radiantly, "good morning, Harmony."

I guess I'm a little nervous, although Headmistress already introduced me to the teachers yesterday in the meeting room. "Good…morning teacher."

"I have asked Liam to train you today, just to get you started with the basics,"

"I'm going train with my crush?!... This is going to be so embarrassing."

"Okay." I nod with a smile.

"Reseda, escort Harmony to the mini training hall." She instructs.

"Yes teacher," she turns to me "come on."

I follow her out

"I'm so nervous," I confess.


"Because I am going to embarrass myself." I put my hands on my face

"Don't worry, he will understand, failure is part of life, it's how we learn, it's how Liam got where he is right now. You just got to get back up and try again," She says as we walk up the side of the building.

I exhale, "I'll try,"

"Give it your all." She smiles and we walk a little more.

"This is it," She looks at me. "Have fun and don't break a leg."

I softly laugh, "you too."

She puts her left hand on my shoulder, smiles, and walks back down, I turn to watch her go

"Don't let him distract you," She shouts


"Just saying!" She says. I laugh. I turn to the door and take a deep breath before proceeding forward. The doors slide open. The first thing my eyes land is Liam sitting on a wooden bench, all dressed up in his thick, white, leather vest armour made of curved plates fastened in front. At the end of the waist, two plates curved downwards. Thick, white leather fingerless gloves going up to his elbows, decorated with grew line patterns. And finally, white skinny leather pants and white combat boots with grey line patterns. He looks like a fantasy warrior.

"A hot one"

He finally notices me and looks up. I wonder what he was thinking about. He slowly scans me.

He smirks, "Pink suits you."

"Thanks." I mile. "And I'm guessing white is your thing," I add

"Yep, loved it since I saw a lightning strike." He gets up. "Are you ready?"

"I think," I respond.

"You will be fine. Don't underestimate yourself."

"You seem to believe in me more than I believe in myself."

He smiles at me admiringly.

"Let's warm-up"

"Okay," I say and he walks a bit further opposite me

"Twenty jumping jacks, go!" He sits down on the floor

"Seriously...you are not going to warm up with me?"

"I already warmed up,' he replies, "you were late."

"Fine," I start, and he counts…by the looks of it…is he counting?


I rest my hands on my hips while panting

"Good. Five push-ups, go!" He says

"Oh come on, I'm not training for the army,"

"Exactly, you are training for something worse than the army,"

"I am so tired," I grunt

"You have one minute."

"Thank you" I throw myself on the ground and he chuckles.

Liam's point of view:

"Okay, time's up," I notify her. She moans as she gets up.

"Five push-ups," I instruct.

I run my hand through my hair as I admire her.

"Ahh!" she struggles to do lift herself up for the third time. It's cute. I slightly laugh.

"Come on princess, two more," I urge her.

She finally makes and lays flat on the floor breathing

"Twenty sit-ups and we are done," I inform.

"I have a bad feeling I'm not going to sleep properly tonight." She exhaustedly exhales.

"Should I hold your feet?" I ask

"Yeah, thanks" I walk over and kneel holding her feet to the ground as she lifts her upper body up and down. I feel kind of awkward.

"I can't," she fails to lift herself up again after twelve sit-ups.

"It's Okay, come on," I give her a hand,


"Only because it's your first time here," I say

She smiles exhaustedly.

"You can take a break."

"Finally" she walks over to sit on the bench, as I sit in the floor.

"Did I do good?" She inquires.

"Not bad," I answer. She smiles.

"Can I have a bottle?" she asks while holding a bottle of water that she got on the bench.

"Sure," I smile. "So, how are you liking Melda?"

"I feel like I could get used to this, it's like imagining myself in one of my favourite fantasy movies of all time,"

I chuckle, "you are not scared of us, right?"

She covers the bottle , "Things and people here might be different but…no, I'm not scared." She puts the bottle down, "I feel like I can blend in here, I can fit in, I don't have to feel different."

"Something is wrong with her."

"I do not know much about earth but…every world has its own problems." I look down and up again. "Don't try to fit in, try to stand out, Melda is a world of uniqueness."

She smiles, "I missed you."

I could repeat those words in my head over and over again. I know it's not like she said she loves me but…it warms my heart to hear those words from her. I guess…it gives me hope.


I startle. I smile, "I missed you too."

"You could've at least told me you were a prince."

"How do you know I am a prince?"

"Someone told me," she claims.

"Well...I don't consider myself a prince."

"Why?..." she asks anxiously.

"It's complicated Princess"

"It's okay if don't want to talk about it," she says in a comforting voice

I smile "Thanks."


"I think our fifteen minutes is done," I look down at my transparent watch with golden decorations.

"Wow, that's a very futuristic watch you got there," she comments.

"Tecno gave it to me on my birthday." I rise up

"That's cute," she says and I chuckle



Harmony's point of view:

"Okay, First we will do some stretch kicks so you can gain flexibility for the real kicks we will be doing later on" he explains and I nod

"Follow me, feet apart side by side," he says and I follow

"Elbows bent, hold your fists in front,"

"Like this?" I ask


Bexy's point of view:

My friends and I escaped from our physical training to spy on Harmony and Liam, we tiptoe to the back end of the hall and slowly pick through the opened door

"Now pivot your left foot's toes to the left and shoot your leg out to the side, like this," Liam says

"Argh" I get furious, "I'm going in."

"You sure?" Aliyona worries.

"Yeah," I walk in. I follow one rule: react with the first thing that comes to mind and don't think twice because it's usually the right thing. "Well hello," I say and they both stop to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asks looking neither happy or sad.

"Chill tiger, I just came to remind you that you and I...have private training today after school," I continue walking closer to Liam in my sexy blue training outfit, I must say, Harmony looks sexy in that Guardian armour—a little too good!

"I know, you can leave now, I'm busy." He turns to Harmony.

"Don't be so rude, I skipped class just to see you" I say and Harmony moves away from him.

"Stay," Liam tells her.


I giggle, "don't worry, she can watch the show."

"I am very busy right now, Bexy, as you can see,"

"See what? That music girl." I look at her up and down with disgust.

"Fix your face." He instructs with irritation.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever, it's not like you will ever be with her" I smirk, "we are destined Liam, She's just a weakness, she will make you wea-"

"Masila Bexy!" He commands.

"Fine!" I turn around, think for a while then look at him from the side.

"I'll find a way!" I continue forward.

"Sorry about that" I hear him and roll my eyes

Harmony's point of view:

"Is she your girlfriend?" I ask

"No," he says

"What did she mean you will never be with me?"

"Umm..." He gulps, " she thinks I like you?"

So he doesn't.

"Oh, that's silly," I say

"Yeah, my country does not allow us to marry people from other places," he explains.

"That's crazy," I hold my arms

"I know,"

"Did your dad make up that rule?" I ask

"Yep," he places his hands on his hips. "He made it not so long ago."

"Hmm..." I look down

"Come on, let's finish up," he says

I nod.


Headmistress Ramona's point of view:

I hear knocking at the door as I read some documents at my table

"Come in!"

It's just the Guard.

"What is it, Harley?"

"A letter from King Michael headmistress." he hands me an envelope

"Thank you," I acknowledge and he departs.

"King Michael of Alanza" I read the back and open the envelope, I get the letter out and unfold it

"From King Michael Aaron of Alanza, to headmistress Ramona of Elphia.

"Thank you for letting us know how the journey went, I know you are probably busy training her as she is supposed to journey down to Musiana in a week but, we would like to have miss Slora over at the Palace by tonight, just to welcome her as the closest friends of her parents."

Thank you

King Michael

"But we already threw a celebration for her yesterday, if he wanted, why didn't he just come?" I take off my specks.

"Harmony can not be going up and down right now, this is not the time to be throwing celebrations back to back, yes we celebrated yesterday, but this is still a tough, sad time for all of Melda"

"I can not allow this."


Harmony's point of view:

As Liam is teaching me the last part of back kicks the bell rings

"I guess that's it for the first class," Liam says

"There's a second class?" I ask breathing heavily

"Yes, and a third," he informs

"You have got to be kidding." I tilt my head back and close my eyes with my hands are on my hips.

"Come on, let's go" he walks to the door and I follow.

"Where are we going?"

"It's break, we are going to the cafeteria" He responds


"You are slow" he stops walking and waits for me, "Should I carry you?" He chuckles

"No thank you, I don't want your girlfriend knocking on my bedroom door tonight," I say and he laughs

"Are you jealous?"

I scoff, "no... I'm not the jealous type,"

he laughs, "I'm just messing with you."

I roll my eyes

Reseda and the others are waiting outside.

"Are you guys spying on us?" Liam asks

"No, we didn't want to disturb," Max responds

"Hmm, that's so NICE of you," Liam responds unconvinced.

Max smiles, "Your welcome."

"Okay dudes, let's go," Alina says

"Dudes? That human language again," Clyden complains.

"It's the same as guys," Alina clarifies

"Sounds weird," Clyden comments

"Guys I am starving," Cari pouts

"Okay, let's go," Michael says. We walk down the corridor, on the sides are about 15 people seated eating and chatting, people with all colours of the rainbow.


We walk in the main building, head right and right again where the cafeteria is. It's a huge building. Everything upstairs is for the guardians, everything downstairs is for everyone as Alina said.

The cafeteria also has some benches with tables, long counters on the left and right with 3 people behind them.

"Ugh, Bexy and her two-evils," Teva says while looking at Bexy in the left line.

"Come in guys, let's stand in the line," Cari walks to the line on the right behind this girl.

"I need a drink first," Liam walks to the glass door fridge on the side of the entrance. I follow him to get a good look, I want to taste every flavour, they look delicious.

"You like strawberries, right?" Liam asks

I nod, "yeah."

He stretches his hand and, 500ml plastic bottle with a label written under it "Trupé faliâ" with orange liquid inside and hands it to me.

"But I said strawberry,"

He looks at me, "that is strawberry," he slightly smiles


He grabs black drink in a purple bottle.

"What's that flavour?" I ask



We walk to the line behind a girl with a green complexion and black hair, wearing some grey leggings and a matching sport top. He lets me stand infront.

"Are guardians the only ones who dress like this?" I inquire.


"We will meet you guys there," Alina says as she and Reseda head out, we are the only guardians left.

"Sure," he says

I just smile.

"Next please," the lady says, Liam moves forward. "oh, what can I get for you, Mr Aaron?" Asks the lady behind the counter

"The Maricasina please," he says

"Seleg," says the lady and she turns going through the door at the back. Minutes later she comes out with a plate on a medium, grey, plastic tray. The plate is filled with a yellow type of rice on the side and soup with meat, vegetables and some unfamiliar things. It has a plastic fork, knife and spoon on the side.

"Wow, will I be able to eat any of these stuff?"

"Here you go Mr Aaron," says the lady behind the counter sliding the tray over to Liam.

"Thank you," Liam responds

"Next," she says with a smile. Liam moves away but he's still beside me with his tray on the counter. I step forward.

"Uh..." I look up at the menu but I can't read anything. "I think that's Meldish,"

"Should I help you?" Liam offers

"I'd like that," I respond and he chuckles.

"Give her the salad with the sotte, tomatoes and Maloti, Also the Maricasina,"


"She is new?" The lady asks Liam

"This is King Kai's daughter," Liam informs.

"Oh... Harmony," the lady looks at me

"Sara Hava," she looks at him. "Tupere Hava" she grins and Liam looks at me.

"She says you are beautiful," Liam translates

"Oh," I smile gratefully, "thank you," I smile

"My plsmiles." She smiles. "I'm coming with your food," she goes to the back.

"She's nice," I say to Liam

"Everyone here is," He says

"Not really," I say

"Well…maybe not everyone,"

I softly laugh.

"Excuse me," says a girl at the back of me in the line. I turn around

"My name is Kasie, I was here yesterday at the party and I really wanted to say hi, but I thought you needed the time to be with your friends so I waited until today," she enthusiastically says and I smile

"Hi, I'm-"

"Harmony, I know. I just adore you. My mom used to tell me about your story, I hope you will be able to save Musiana," she says

"Oh, I…hope so too," I politely smile. This is s

"Okay..." Says the lady coming out of the room with two plates on a tray, one with salad and the other with the same things as Liam's.

"There you go," The lady says to me

"Thank you" I grab the tray

"I'll see you around, Kasie," I smile

"See you around, Harmony," she grins. Liam and I walk out and continue down left.

"Wow, do you know that girl?" I ask Liam

"No, I think she's new here, she probably came last year,"

"Oh. So...how long am I going to train before heading down to Musiana?"

"Not long, there's only 6 more days left," he says

"6 days?" I worry, "do you think I'll be ready by that time?"

"Well, not ready but, Musiana can't hold on for another week or day after that,"

"I see, "

"Don't worry, you will be fine, we will be with you all the way," He says and we exit at the end of the corridor through a two door entrance that's already wide open.

"Harmony!" Cari calls me from the long, rectangular table that she and the others are sitting on

"That's long, there's probably 10 chairs there"

"Let's go," Liam says and I follow him

"Bexy and her two friends are sitting just opposite them. As I walk down with Liam, she stares at me with disgust, Reseda notices her and I can see her getting irritated

" Hey, Liam! When are you guys getting married!?" Reseda shouts, I look at her in shock

"Wait what?"

Liam looks at me unconditionally.

Everyone turns their focus on Liam and I. Bexy looks furious.

"Come here, you sit next to me," Reseda says and I go over to the empty chair in-between her and Alina.

"I don't think Bexy is okay guys," Clyden says as he takes a bite of his food and the rest laugh.

"That was dangerous," I comment.

"Come on, she needs to know her place," Cari says

"Yeah but now she's going to hate me for things that are not true," I insist

"That girl hates everyone," Reseda responds

"And besides, I can see you guys together very soon," Alina adds. Liam and I uncomfortably look at each other. look away

"Okay Alina, we get it," Tecno says

Max looks at me, "I hope you like the food."

"Come on try it," Alina says, and they all look at me.

I laugh, "You guys are making me nervous."

"Okay come on let's all eat together," Cari says

"Seriously..." Michael says

"Yes," Cari answers

"Just act normal guys, you are making her uncomfortable" Tecno says

"Sorry Harmony" Cari looks at me

I dig up some food and eat while they all look at me. Liam tries not to look too much, he's face lights up when he looks at me.

"So...what do you think?" Reseda asks

"Amazing, is this a cabbage?" I lift the purple, sliced veggie with my folk.

"That's a Malati, it doesn't exist on earth, so we don't know what to call it in the human language," Cari explains.

"Oh," I respond

"Are you guys stupid?" Bexy asks loud and clearly.

"Huh," Teva looks lost.

"Mind your language Bexy," Alina says

"Says who?"

"Me," Alina says

"You are a nobody," Bexy says

"That's enough!" Tecno says and Bexy looks at him with disgust.

"The Nerd is standing up for his girlfriend." she laughs.

"Now she has done it," Alina furiously gets up from her chair.

"Alina no" Reseda quickly gets up and holds her

"What are you going to do?" Bexy gets up resting her hands on the table. " I can defeat you with my eyes closed."

"Calm down Alina," Reseda says. Liam gets up from the chair and furiously walks over to Bexy, he grabs her hand, drags her away from the eating area and takes her inside the main school.

Reseda pats Alina's shoulder, "Come on, sit down,"

"She ruined my appetite," Alina sits

"Don't mind her," responds

"Come let's eat," Teva says


After the meal, my friends and I played some games until the bell rang. Liam still didn't come.

"Maybe he's inside" I hope as I walk down to our training hall

I enter and spot Liam seated on the bench

"Liam..." I walk down to him.

"He looks so sad."

"Hey," he tries to put on a smile

"Are you okay," I sit down next to him

"I'm okay, come on, let's get training" he gets up but I am not convinced so I hold on to his hand before he could walk away. He looks down at me.

"Talk to me," I beg with sympathy, he stays looking at me for a while before sitting back down.

I gently place my hand on his shoulder, "Is it Bexy?"

He looks down, "My parents want me to marry her."

"She's from Alanza?"

"Yeah," he says and my heart breaks into pieces

"I can't compete with her, she has more chances of being with him than I do."

"Then marry her, she is a nice girl, very beautiful and your parents like her," I urge him and he looks at me with disappointment.

"I don't want to marry her," he looks away. "I'd rather stay alone for the rest of my life."

"Why would you say that, I'm sure there are many Alanzan girls out there dying to marry you."

"Because my heart belongs to someone else." he looks at me and his face light up again.

"He loves someone else, I should have…how can a guy as handsome as him not have someone. If he feels like that for this girl then…I'm happy for him."

"Then what are you waiting for? Get your queen" I try to put on a smile even though deep down it hurts.

"She's forbidden…she's not from Alanza," he looks away. " and I don't know how she feels either, I'd be willing to do anything… just for us to be together."

"You must truly love her," I smile fascinated by how he talks of her.

"I loved her since we first met, I was only 7 that time,"

"Wow, that's... Incredible,"

"I know, it was not a good time to be falling in love," he smiles dreamily

"I think you should tell her," I suggest.

"What if she doesn't feel the same way?" He looks at me. " I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"But it's better to try than to regret it in the end. What if she does feel the same way?" I say

He think for a moment, I'll try," he thankfully smiles

"Good, I can't wait to meet her"

"You will love her," he says and I try to keep that smile painted on.

"Come on, let's train," he gets up.



Zelda's point of view:

Liam damaged blade's back real bad, we are using the healing portions we stole from healsvalle to treat him because our powers can't heal or restore, we can only destroy. We've told Headmistress haunt that we found her, now she has left everything in my hands. I'm seated down on my bed trying to figure out my next move.

"What can I do? The guardians are still too strong for us." I think for a moment "I must spy on them to find their weakness, or something useful."

"Hmmm..." it eventually comes to me, "helaphim, the witches, yes!"



Rebekah's pov:

"Stay right there and don't open your eyes, just continue breathing," he says

"Where are you going?" I ask

"I'm coming to check if it's working," he says and I hear footsteps coming closer

"Oh, okay," I say

"Don't stop," he repeats and I suddenly feel his hand on my arm, he holds my arm for some time and lets it go.

"It's worked, you can stop," he says and I open my eyes

"That was so easy."

Well he was teaching me how to relax and let my energy spread wherever in my body. I look at him kneeling on one knee beside me.

"So…what doubles your power?" I inquire.

"The ring." he shows me the ring on his left-hand middle finger.

"This is crazy, I remember when we first met and now... It's crazy" I grin amusedly

He slightly smiles, "I know."

Wait a minute... If he can control the weather, why didn't he just stop the rain?

"Wait a minute, why did you not just stop the rain instead of giving me your jacket?" I ask

"What rain?" He puzzles.

"When we first met and it was raining," I remind him.

"Oh Uhmm..." He tries to avoid looking at me "I had to meet you somehow, so..." He finally looks at me innocently.

"You started the rain, didn't you?" I start to figure it out and he runs his hand through his hair

"I'm sorry..." He confesses

I laugh, "it's okay."

"You sure? You won't hold grudges against me right?"

I smile, "It was worth it,"

"What was worth it?"

"Meeting you," I respond and he gladly smiles for a while.

"Come on, I have to teach you something before the time is up," he gets up and I follow.

"Sing something,"

"Like what?" I ask

"Anything, make up anything, just sing from your heart,"

"Oh uh... Okay,"

"You create a perfect world"

"Woah, did you hear that? My voice sounds… amazing! How did that happen? it sounds magical." I look at him in amazement.

"You're a Musiana so… continue I want to hear about the perfect world..." He urges and I chuckle

"Okay-okay" I excitedly respond

"You create a perfect world

Something out of what I know

My heart has felt what I've feared

I shouldn't have trusted me

Coz I'm not brave

I'm not strong

I'm not ever gonna be yours

But I know, if it's meant to be, it's gonna be, no matter where we are

And if what I see, delights my heart, then it's gonna be

And I'll be there if you need me, if you need a friend…"

"You make my heart skip a beat…" he sings

I turn around

"Something I've felt before

I've longed to feel this way again

The happiness I feel with you

And I know how

I feel about you

I walk close to him.

"And this love is never going away"

We both sing together, "But I know, if it's meant to be, it's gonna be, no matter where we are

And if what I see, delights my heart, then it's gonna be"

Tears slightly line my eyes as he places his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes.

"And I'll be there if you need me, if you need a friend…"

He places his head against mine, and then…he leans in to kiss me

Is this really happening?...

But.. he hugs me.

Was there something I did?

"That was a nice song," he comments

"I didn't know you could sing," I say as I unwrap my arms around him.

"I learnt and practiced," he smiles

"I thought only a Musiana can sing." I comment.

"Not really, Musiana is the creator of all music, anyone can learn to sing or play an instrument but Musianas are born with it, even a new born baby can sing in Musiana."


"Their music is something beyond any music in this world, the world right now looks kind of dead without Musiana, it brought life into this world," he explains

"I love you," I whisper

"What?" He asks,

I startle, "Oh nothing,"

"Oh, come on then" he turns to walk. "I must teach you something very important, you are going to need it for our next class," he says as he walks to the middle of the hall and I follow

"In battle, there are many things we use for fighting," he says to me as I get close to him

"Like Reseda, she fights with her staff and, she can also use power balls."

"Must everyone have a staff?" I ask

"No, we all have our own ways of fighting, but you have a staff, yours has more abilities than any guardian staff," he says

"Okay, so... Are you going to get it? I want to see" I say

"Get what?"

"The staff," I say and he chuckles

"No, you have to summon it," he says

"How?" I look at him with no clue as to what he is talking about

"That's the easy part, first you have to say the staff's name," he instructs.

"What's the staff's name?"

"The former guardian of music named him Disco," he says

"That's all?"

"Yeah," he nods

"Okay then, ready" I confidently say

"It's going to drain some of your energy but don't worry,"


"Now all you have to do is say, I the guardian of music summon Disco,"

"I the guardian of music summon Disco," I repeat and I link portal appears up infront, nothing's coming out.

"What's happening? Did I do it wrong?" I worry

"You did great" he smiles. "He's probably sleeping or redecorating himself."

"Decorate?" I ask

"Well... Disco likes to be fancy."

"You speak of it as if it's a real person," I say

"It sort of is actually," he says

"Yeah sure, as if a staff can talk and eat," I respond with disbelief

"It might not eat, but it sure can talk alright, nonstop," he says

"Your serious?"

"Very serious, " he says

"I can't wait, is it alive now?" I try to peak in the portal,"

"Not yet, give it until maybe after the break

"Okay...so what's next?"

"Well... There's not much we can do, your energy is low and… you'll need it for our next practice so let's just take a break."

"Why did my energy run out so quickly, but you guys can last in a fight for a whole hour and still be strong enough."

"Because you're new to this, your energy has just been enlivened and you're not producing energy fast enough"

"I don't like it." I cross my arms

He smiles, "You will get there."


Zelda's point of view:

I know this is risky but, sometimes you have to take risks, I can't find their weakness unless I spy on them. I'm walking down the side of their school past the training hall to the front.

"I can't believe he'd do that," I hear a girl's voice and three girls come to stand behind the flower beds, I can see them through the spaces.

"Why are they not inside?"

"She ruined everything, she should've just stayed in that human world!" The girl with the reddish hair furiously hits her foot on the ground with her arms down and hands folded into a fist.

"Calm down Bexy, even if he loved her-" says the girl with the light brown hair and Ms red hair furiously turns her head to her

"I mean...we all know he doesn't love her, and his parents like you," she changes.

"Plus, he can only marry an Alanzan" adds the girl with the blonde hair and miss red hair seems to calm down a little.

"You're right, Liam and I are meant for each other, and no music girl will come between us," she says

"Music girl? looks like Liam has a love triangle" I evilly smile.

"Well, maybe I could help," I say as I walk towards them, but I don't cross through the flowers

"You're not supposed to be here!-" Ms brown hair says

"I'm your ticket to Liam's heart," I tell her.

"I'm listening…"

"But Bexy..." Aliyona interrupts

"Shut up! It's her choice, prince Liam loves Harmony and you all know that deep down, but with our undead love potion, he's all yours" I say and Bexy looks furious. Exactly what I wanted. Anger is all it takes to get anyone to do the unthinkable. "Well good, I'm Zelda."

"Bexy," says the girl with red hair

"And those two?" I ask

"Aliyona," says miss brown hair

"Athena," says miss blonde

"I can help you, but you have to do something for me in return," I explain


Liam's point of view:

Harmony and I are just sitting on the floor Talking and laughing as I tell her about our childhood, I like it when she's laughing, makes my world come to life.

"Tell me more," she begs eagerly.

"Okay...I don't remember much though," I say

"it's okay," she says

"Okay, it was Thursday afternoon and everyone was gathered at the music castle to celebrate your 5th birthday, your mom and dad were already downstairs waiting for the helpers to dress you, after they dressed you they came downstairs and-" I laugh

"what?" she grins

"your dad told everyone to get ready, to wish you a happy birthday, he tells the guard to open the door for you, the guard opens, when you get on the stairs and look up, everyone laughed." I laugh


"you tried to put makeup on your face, you put the lipstick all around your mouth, purple stuff on your eyes and folks to hold your hair in place…I don't know

"I can't believe I did that," she laughs "I don't even put makeup,"

"You don't need makeup, you're naturally beautiful."

"you think so? "

"I know so," I look at here

"Thanks" she grins

"my pleasure princess," I say

"you know..."

"what?" I ask

"I wish one day, I'd find someone just like you," she reveals looking at me

look down and smile, "I hope he will be everything you've ever dreamt of." I look into her eyes, but she can't keep eye contact, she tries to avoid looking at me.

"Yeah…and I hope I will be everything he'sever dreamt of," she responds

"And you are princess. Am I?..."

He leaves me speechless