WebNovelHARMONY 180.49%


Harmony's point of view:

"I think that's something you have to ask the headmistress about," Reseda respond s as I let go of Liam.

"What do you mean ask the headmistress? Is she okay?" He worries.

"We can't tell you that, you will have to talk to the headmistress yourself, Liam," Clyden says and it pisses Liam off as he hits my shoulder with no emotion and walks towards the entrance.

"Do you guys know what happened to her?" I calmly ask the others as we are still standing on the walkway

"Yep, the headmistress told us, but she asked that Liam should not know yet, so we kept quiet," Michael says and out of nowhere I burst out into tears, as much as I try to be strong...I can't anymore.

"Harmony," Reseda runs to comfort me in her embrace. Tears fall down my eyes like rain and I cry like there's no one watching, just letting it all out.

"It hurts…it hurts, Reseda," I let it all out with a deep cry in front of all the guardians and Reseda hugs me tighter. I can hear her crying too as she sniffs.


Reseda and the other girls asked if they can be with me in my room but I insisted to be alone and left disco with them. I changed into my casual clothes, jeans,sleeveless top and my hair tied up into a ponytail.

I lay on my bed, looking at the roof with tears running down from the side of my eyes to my pillow. I feel useless. I get up and walk to my dressing table on the side of the wall where the door is. I take a box where I keep my jewelry and grab the bracelet that Liam gave me while we were on earth.

"Why would you do this!" shouts a furious male voice outside. I immediately get up; shove the bracelet in the back pocket of my jeans and run out to see what's going on.

"I hate you!" Liam shouts to his father from the staircase while Michael, Max and Clyden are holding him.

I never thought I'd hear those words from Liam's mouth. After saying those nasty words to his father, our eyes meet, and I can feel his sense coming back to him, I can feel it. His spirit calls out to me.

He looks down, shakes his way out of the grip of his friends and walks down stairs heading to the front exit of the main building. I follow him, leaving his father still in pain with the words his son said.

"Liam!" I run after him and he stops, looking back at me in his battle clothes.

I walk to him with such confidence that I just want to tell him how much I love him, but it's too late...maybe.

"You are...Reseda, right?" He guesses, I can't believe he forgot my name so easily, he just said it a while ago.

"No, it's Harmony," I correct him.

"Oh-yeah, sorry," he puts on a slight smile

"Can I come with you?" I ask, nervously playing with my fingers,

"Uh... sure," he says and I walk closer to him. We begin walking together and exit the building. To be honest I wasn't expecting that response from him, I thought he'd be angry and wild but...could he be coming back to normal?

We get outside and a wingless, purewhite horse comes flying from the sky to us on the ground, with it's White long hair and tail flying. He gets on it.

"Come on," he invites me on his horse

"I've never ridden on a flying horse before, I don't even know how to ride on a normal horse, what do I do? I will just go with the flow, whatever happens, happens.

He stretches his arm down to me and I grab it, I struggle a little getting on, but I eventually make it.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I nod while wrapping my arms around him.

"Come on, Storm," he pats his horse and it slowly lifts off of the ground, while my hands hold on tighter.

Reseda's point of view:

I was walking past the window downstairs when I spotted Liam and Harmony together in front of the main building. I went to call the king, the headmistress and the other guardians to see, it was so surprising how his temper cooled down, maybe his love for her is that strong. We watch them fly

Harmony's point of view:

We flew above the town. Melda is so beautiful. So much colour. Above the tall, purple mushrooms we flew and down we are. He climbs off first, and helps me down onto the crystal-like ground where a stream of dark blue water flows down to the left and a dark brown bridge over it, on my right a small waterfall.

"Wow…" I continue to look around

"Must be food colouring," I still find the water kind of strange.

"Come." He walks to a yellow flower looking like a four leafed clover. One of its leaves in front folds into steps for him to sit. I follow and sit on the first flower before his.

I look at him, "What's this place?"

"Hava sinka," he looks back at me

"What does that mean?"

"It means beautiful paradise," he slightly smiles at me and focuses back to the beauty of the view

"Why did you come here?" I ask

"I always come here, it's peaceful, once you sit down all the noise from the world is blocked out," he explains

I then noticed how quiet it is here, all I hear are songs of birds and the movement of the river.

"I understand, " I say and look down. Then I feel something pinch my butt. I search in the pocket and bring out a bracelet. I look at it in my right hand and he notices it.

"That's really nice," he compliments

"Yeah...someone special gave it to me," I reveal

"Your husband? Boyfriend?" He asks and I slightly smile and sadness at the same time.

"No." I look at him, "a friend."

He stares at me, searching for something or perhaps remembering.

"Want to play a game?" he asks

"Sure." I smile

He stretches his right hand towards the river and five flat stones fly from the river into his hands, and another bunch flies into my hands.

"Come one," he gets off and walks to the river, I follow.

We are facing left on the bridge.

"You know how to do this right?" he asks.

"Saw it in movies so…I think,"

He chuckles, "I'll go first." He throws the rock and it bounces four time. Each time it bounces the water lights light-blue.

"Your turn," he says and I try my best. It bounces three times.

"Argh," I smile amusedly

"Let's do it together,", he suggests.

I nod, "okay."

We throw, mine bounces eight times, his six.

He softly laughs, "nice one."

"Lets try this," he suggests, "ill throw left you throw right and it will bounce in a zigzag pattern."

"Is that possible?"

"Yep," he assures, "I just never tried with someone before."

"Okay then."


We throw, but our stones meet each other on the 3rd bounce.

We laugh. A golden bird three times the size of an eagle flies to the side of the river drinking water. I stare in astonishment.

He moves closer holding my waist. I look up at him and he smiles.

"He's back." I look back at the bird as it flies over the water.

"That's a Elgare, it's the strongest bird I've seen so far in Melda," he explains

The bird snatches a shiny orangetype of fish.

"Its grip is unescapable," he continues.

The fish tries to wiggle its way out.The bird flies off.

"Wow…" I turn to him.

He places his right hand on my chick, pulls me closer with his left hand and…something happens his eyes change colour, they turn black.

He gets his hands off me like he has seen a ghost.

"What are you doing?" he asks me with disgust.

I have no words.

"What's wrong with you? Stop throwing yourself at me! I'm not interested in you!"

I'm still trying to figure out what just happened.

"First you murder my girlfriend and now what do you want from me?!" He walks away to his horse.

I just watch him.

He leaves me.

I place my hands on the bridge looking into the water, a tear splashes.

"You are a warrior, don't cry. You are strong. It's not him."

I wipe my tears, "I gotta find a way outta here."

I look around and head left down the bridge. There's a slight hill ahead but that's where I saw tree houses when we were coming here, I don't know this place, I have to get help. I climb and climb, my knees all dirty with sand and forest green grass, my hands full of marks from the stones. I finally make it on top. I look ahead the field of all kinds of flowers. There are beautiful, big and small butterflies flying around. The place looks like a supermarket with everyone picking up flowers from place to place. I search everywhere for anyone who's not busy and can help me.

One huge dragon with butterfly wings lands on its four legs in front of me with a teenage girl on it. The dragon is white with pink wings, it's ears are the shape and colour of its wings, the eyes are white with shiny, round, pink irisesand quite a long tail that gets thinner at the end. The belly is pink with white on top of its back. Long white claws, and white shiny scales form as the dragon'seye brows with three longer scales in the middle of its forehead. The girl has pale skin, light- brown hair tied into a high ponytail, elf-like ears and orange butterfly wings. She climbs down from the dragon in her golden, short sleeve satin dress that reaches until her knees, along with white tights and golden lacepumps.

"Hi," she smiles walking to me.


"Are you lost? Because you look lost."

"Yeah, I don't know my way around the place,"

The dragon yawns and shakes its head as small, different colouredbutterflies land on its wings.

"Don't worry I think my brother can help, come on," She walks to the dragon and I follow

"Our house is just right there," she points up in the tree at a beautiful brown wooden house decorated with green plants and purple flowers. It has long,brown, arched glass doors withgolden bow and bay windows.

"Are you sure you know how to fly this thing?"

"It's not a thing, this is Mari and I've been flying her since I was 10 now I'm 16," She climbs onto the back of this welcoming giant.

"Okay then," I climb. There's so much space on this butterfly, I spread myself on it like I'm on a couch.

"You better hold on to me," she says as she grabs hold of the two hornsappearing up from the dragons back

"Okay," I hold onto her, and the butterfly takes off. My back's facing the ground and my heart is racing.

"You have never ridden a dragonfly before?" she asks

"Well ah…not really, I just arrived here from Earth," I tell her


The dragon finally arrives at the house. It flies closer to the side of the porch for us to get off.

She gets off but I struggle getting down.

"Thanks, Mari," I say

"Your welcome," says the dragon inits deep voice before flying off.

"Brother!" the girl shouts as she knocks softly on the door. The door opens and reveals the handsome man behind it. His eyes land on me before anything else.

He is dressed in a long, silver robe, half of his long, light brown hair is tied up while the back hair is left loose. His skin is light orange with thin rectangular,white patterns lining his eye brows and honey brown eyes like the girl in front of me, and lastly elf-like ears.

"Who is this, Mahria" he asks his sister

"She was lost, so I thought you'd help her," she says and he chuckles and looks at me.

"Thoreh, my name is Itham Carna," He walks out with his plain hornet-like wings.

"I'm Re-uhm-I-I mean Harmony," I slightly smile

"You are…" he stares at my necklace. "a guardian?" he looks up at me.

" Yes," I nod. "And I really need your help"

"What sort of help?" he puts his hands behind his back

Reseda's pov:

Liam arrived here alone an hour ago, without Harmony.

"I just don't get it, what did he do to her? Would he actually do anything to harm Harmony? I guess I underestimated the power of the potion."

"Where is she, Liam!?" Max gets furious inside Liam's room, while Tecno, Teva, Alina, Cari, and myself are outside his room getting worried. Michael and Clyden went for horse a riding race.

"I said!..." Liam furiously turn around. " I-don't-know!" He walks closer to his brother.

"I swear if anything happens to her, you are going to pay!" Max threatens.

"Okay-okay guys, let's calm down," Tecno separates them and Liam walks to his window with fury.

He stares, "There's your little witch outside," he informs.

Max goes over to the window

"It's Harmony," Max says and we all rush downstairs to see her, leaving Liam alone in his room

"Did he just call her a witch?"

Harmony's point of view:

Itham helps me off his grey dragonfly and I fall into his arms.

"Sorry," he says looking into my eyes with a smile.

"Don't be." I stand on my own. "I'm just clumsy I guess."

"Well, If you ever get lost again…don't hesitate to call me," he smiles

I chuckle, "I won't."

"I hope to see you again," he walks closer to me

"I didn't know we'd get along so well, I hope to see you again too," I smile

"Harmony!" A voice calls and Ilook to see Reseda and the others running to me.

I rush to them and hug the first person I meet—Max. This is the first time I have felt Max in my arms and feel safe.

"Jordan," I smile.

That's when I spot Liam looking out the window downstairs, I glare at him and everyone notices as they turn to look.

"Who is this?" Teva asks as Jordan unwraps his arms around me; I turn around looking at Itham leaning on his dragon.

"Oh my goodness, is that a dragonfly?" Cari excitedly walks over to the dragon in her super high, golden and black heels.

"This is Itham, he helped get here," I introduce.

"Oh hi, I'm, Teva," she grins with her pink lipstick.

"I know," he smiles, " nice to meet you guardians," he does a short bow

"You too, thanks for helping her," Tecno says

"No problem." He smiles. " I must be on my way now."

"Thank you," Reseda says and Itham nods, turns round and gets on his dragon.

"See you soon," he waves at and flies off.


We are all seated at the long dining table with the headmistress as I explain to them what happened at the silent land—but Liam is not here.

"And that's what happened," I end off.

"He is confused, he does not know how to feel or react to situations between you and Bexy because the feelings are fighting each other," The headmistress explains

"Just hang on, and forgive him, and also understand that it's not him" Reseda adds