WebNovelHARMONY 192.68%



Harmony's point of view:

As I walk further in the room, on the floor are dead leaves that are falling from the roof, there are dead roots on the ceiling, and the walls with big pots of flowers on the sides.

Further in front of me I see a shadow of a tree, mostly I see shadows of it's branches not much leaves. As I get closer, I see it a little clear. It grows from the ground, the tiles on the ground surround it but they left a circular part open with soil for the tree.

I walk closer to it but a certain energy from the tree pushes me back into the ground with force.


"Harmony!" Teva calls from outside

"I'm fine!"

But the light is still floating beside me. I sit up staring at the tree, that's when I finally notice a small spark of pink light glowing from the side of it's stem.

"I don't know where to start," I try to speak to it, "I don't know much about you." I look around. "about this place, allI know is that I must save my home. I know there's still goodness inside there, listen to me, I am Harmony of Musiana. I'm not here to harm you". I get up and slowly walk closer.

"I have been away for so long,

I know you tried to reach out to me,

I didn't know just how much you needed me,

The tree release a huge force pushing me back but I don't back down and continue singing.

"I saw my people's suffering,"

"For fifteen years their souls cried to me,"

"Oh hear me oh hear me oh oh ohhh" I look at it with my eyes slightly closed and my hair flying behind me

"Let me get in"

" in the dark we will find the light,"

"Together, together…" I use all my strength to stretch my hand to it. Tears fall from my eyes and I gulp.

"Take my hand now

"Together we will defeat this," I see it slowly stretch it's dead branch to my left hand

"Together, together…"

Reseda's point of view:

The rest of us are spread out a little, watching out for the Menace.

"Hahaha, so you finally came," I female voice fancily says from somewhere in the buildings and we turn around, ready for anything.

"Missed me? " It says and we all quickly turn around again to see Zelda standing there with her eight members, and at the back of them we see our horses slain.

"Seriously?...what is your problem?" I ask her with rage and she laughs

"You, my little one, are my problem, " she slowly walks to the left while keeping her eyes on us and she stops, "this is my land, and you stupid guardians, are trespassing."

"This is Harmony's home!" Cari says

"Speaking of the Harmony, where is she?" She looks around at the place

"Leave, now!" Max says

"Oh, look what we got here, little Liam, trying be like your big brother," she laughs, "and by the way, how is he doing?" She asks with an evil smirk and her hands on her hips.

"Let's just settle this the old fashioned way," Michael clenches his fists.

"Not a problem with me, I came prepared," She says and we hear footsteps from behind us; we turn around to see Rozen walking out from the buildings holding Teva's neck while her hands are frozen together with ice.

"Thank goodness they didn't get her"

"You idiot, where's she!?" Zelda shouts at Rozen

"I couldn't get her, there's a lot of wind pushing me away from entering, I only got her standing at the door," Rozen explains

"No!" Zelda flies up with speed heading to Harmony but I can't let that happen. I fly up in front of her with my staff.

"You are standing in my away!" she furiously shouts.

"That's the whole point," I blast her with the energy coming out of my hands and she dodges every single one of them coming at me with a punch, I slide away from it and it's…cat fight.

"I can't let her disturb Harmony even if it means loosing my life, this is what I live for."

Teva's point view:

There's a whole big war going on in front of me and I can't do anything, Rozen has me as his prisoner and all I can do is watch as Michael takes on Blade, Reseda against Zelda, Cain against Tecno, Cyber against Max, Runoagainst Clyden, Ozinah and Havoc against Cari, Trixy and Raven against Alina.

"So not fair, two against 1? I have to escape from this and help them." I try to use my powers but it doesn't work, Ican't grow anything in this dead soil, I have think of another plan.

Alina fights both Raven and Trixy at the same time, she's a great fighter,but I don't think Cari can deal with two people at the same time, even though she's trying, she's not doing good.

Havoc punches Cari on the chick and Ozinah trips her and she hit her head on the ground. Havoc stretches out her hands and the ground she's laying on starts to split, Ozinah shoots out her poison onto Cari's legs.

"Oh no, Cari!" I shout. "Cari wake u-" Rozen puts his hand over my mouth. Ozinah shoots another at her arm but before she paralyzes her last arm, Cari notices and fires water from her hand at Ozinah and the poison comes flying at Cari as she fires at Havoc, sending both of them flying and crushing to the ground, but Ozinah's poison hits her right shoulder which paralyzes her whole arm. Cari's now in a vulnerable position, at least the ground has stopped splitting.

Blade is not someone I'd want to face, Liam was always the one taking him on because Blade is strong and has great fight skills, and that huge sword he carries…is poisoned.

He runs to slice Michael's head offfrom the side but Michael swings his head down, dodging the attack and goes straight for a sidekick to blade's ribs but it's almost as if Michael's kick did nothing to him. Michael looks shocked at blade's reaction to the kick but Blade looks angry; dusts off the place where Michael kicked him. And shows him an evil smirk.

"Ha!!" Blade goes after Michael; he front kicks Michael, sending him flyingand he smashes onto the ground.

That's when we all hear screaming coming from the castle and look to see a bright pink light shining from the castle to the sky. It's Harmony.

"She did it, she connected with the tree!" I smile

"Rozen! Go get her! I want her head" Zelda demands with fury, "And you," Zelda turns to Reseda as Rozen lets go of me, "I lost everything because of you!" her whole body gets covered in black smoke.

"Oh no,"

Zelda disappears and reappears at the back of Reseda shocking her with a punch to her spine.

"Ah!!" Reseda screams in pain and looses control of her fright as she falls down. Heala saves her by carrying her on a shield. I break free of the ice and run to help Cari, on the way I spot Zelda ready to fire her deadly powers. She shoots at her and immediately I fire back at Zelda from the ground, light green energy flowing out of my hands, but, she's strong.

"Reseda get up," I say as her powers overrule mine and I immediately run away to the other side and she hits the ground. I look up at her as she stops and looks back at Reseda but she is not there.

And then whoosh! she appears at the back of her. I get up on my feet and hurry to help Cari with Havoc and Ozinah as they are beating her up like a drum, throwing her face like trash. Havoc raises up her hand And stones and rocks come flying up upon her head forming a huge rock that she aims at Cari.

She throws and I stop it with a huge light green shield. I have never formed such a huge shield before, I feel too young for this. I can hear Cari standing up behind me, and as Ozinah also fires her powers against my shield, Cari joins me on the side, she looks terrible. Sand on her face and parts of her jumpsuit torn.

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"bruised, but less paralyzed," she responds.

Harmony's point of view:

After the tree stretched its branch and it reached my left hand, it wrapped itself around it and stretched another to my right hand.

I felt the dark energy trying to manipulate me but I kept my mind clear and fought against it.

The tree absorbed my energy and I screamed as my energy was being extracted.

Now the tree is glowing in pink light, I don't know what to do next, Ithought everything would be restored after that. As I'm waiting for something to happen, I hear footsteps and I turn around to see a shadow walking closer to me.

"So, you are Harmony," says a deep voice, "all alone in a dark room, what more could I ask for?"

I tremble, "Who are you?"

"What? Are you scared?"

"I'm not scared of you," I state.

"Oh I see, Liam's lover wanting to be brave as him, Huh?" He laughs, "I like feisty girls, I wouldn't mind being your Liam for today."

"I don't think so," I summon Disco

"Woah, where are we?" Disco asks

" Suit yourself pretty lady,"

"Hold on, I'm not a lady," Disco speaks out.

"Not you Disco," I say.

"Come with me nicely and I won'thave to do anything nasty," he says and I finally see his ice; pale body a little clearer, with his completely ice blue eyes. He is wearing a black short sleeve top and tight black leather pants.

"You can't fight a woman,"

He laughs, "Guardians can't fight women, we don't live by rules honey, sorry to burst your bubble."

"But I can," says a male voice. The guy turns around to see who it is. I'malso eager to see the guy in the shadow. Lightning is flashing all over his body as he walks closer.

"Who are you? I'm not afraid you stupid guardians," claims the evil guy

"Nobody asked if your scared of us or not," says the mysterious guy.Lightning flashes from him to the evil guy and he fall on his knees. The evil guy shoots ice to the mystery man, and the mystery man blasts the ice into small particles.

"Liam," I finally see him a little clear as he stands in front of the evil guy who's kneeling down getting electrified by the light that's flashing all over his body.

"Next time choose you own size, or better yet, not a woman!" Liam sidekicks him and the evil guy smashes his face onto the floor. His nose bleeds a little.

"Liam?" I call, trying to confirm that who I am seeing is not a ghost. He slowly lifts up his head and looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, I run to him and wrap my arms around him. You have no idea how happy I am.

He hugs me back, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask with tears in my eyes and my arms squeezing him tighter

"I should've been here with you," he responds.

"It's okay, you are here now," I unwrap my arms around him. "Where are the others?"

"Fighting the menace," he replies.

"Where's Teva I walk towards the door and he follows

"She is at the battlefield, come on," he grabs my hand.

"What about the tree?" I ask

"Don't worry, it is done, just give it time to heal," he claims and we walk out of the castle to help the others.

When we get to the battlefield, everyone is a mess and I've never seen Reseda fight like that as her hair glows with bright light.

"Stay here," Liam instructs

" But I want to help them," I say and he looks at me, thinking…

"Okay, but stay away from Zelda," he warns.

"Which one is Zelda?" I clarify

"The one fighting Reseda,"

"Okay." I agree.

He runs to help Michael with Blade and I go over to help Alina with The other girl that looks like an Elf, she has hornet black wings and long pointed top ears. I kick her away and leave Alina to fight the other girl, the girl's appearance is as dark as charcoal, she's like a monster that appears from under your bed at night.

"Are you are you want to start me?"

"I just did," I respond

"Bad mistaken," she disappears and someone kicks me from the back and I smash onto the ground, I turn my head and see her standing opposite me, she starts kicking my stomach. Disco flies out of my hands and forms a shield for me

"Get up quick," he says as the girl shoots some type of insect filled energy against the shield. I push myself up and try it again, this time she will be the one laying on the ground. I hold Disco and the shield turns into a pink blast of energy against her insects.

"That is just creepy,"

She backs down as she flies up dodging my attack.

"I can't fly,"

She looks down at me and laughs

"Is that all you can do? Laugh?" I try to make her angry so she can come down here and fight, I know just how to deal with her tricks. And she furiously looks at me before flying down with speed at me, and next thing I know there are multiple versions of her flying down at me and they all surround me.

"You have got to be kidding me,"

You won't be able to defeat all of them, follow my lead," Disco says and I look at him, "hold onto me with both of your hands and as they come, spin me around and I'll release the energy to fire at all of them," he instructs

"Say goodbye, Harmony," they all say and come at me, I immediately spin Disco around as quickly as I can move my feet. The real her gets blasted off onto the ground— I stop.