WebNovelHARMONY 197.56%


Harmony's pov:

I open my eyes and I find myself flying in midair, I look around at my friends and enemies looking up at me in shock. I look down at myself and my leather jumpsuit and everything is still the same, but then, a strand of my hair blows in front of my face and I notice that…it's white. My ponytail is gone and my hair is loose, all pure white! I can feel him inside me.

"Liam…this is his power, but how? Why?" I wonder while looking at my hands, turning them around as I feel his energy flowing through them.

"Even in death, I will still help you." Says a familiar voice from somewhere in the atmosphere, but I don't think the others heard it.

"Liam?" I put my hands together on my chest with hope to hear him again, but nothing. My eyes eventually land on Zelda, "Zelda you are going to pay!" I say while looking at her with rage and my eyes filled with tears as I think about never seeing Liam again. My voice has never been this loud before.

"Haaa!!" I awaken all of the energy inside me and blast off to attack Zelda on the ground with a punch, she moves quickly and flies up, I follow her. The battle on the ground continues.

"Don't think you can face me because of that dead guy's powers," she says, and it makes me even more furious

"If you ever die, I'll be the one to send you there," I shoot lightning at her continuously with my right hand, but she dodges all of them and fires her dark energy ball at me, I blast it off with a single strike of lightning like it was nothing.

"So this is how Liam always felt: Powerful."

she looks at me with fear. I stretch my hand forward and challenge her come, I get ready to fight as she flies closer with uncertainty. I'm not in the mood to play.

"I should've killed both of you in the blast!" she says

"Well now it's my turn," I storm to at her and she flies to me, we meet in the middle and battle it out.

She comes with a punch aimed at my face but I let it slide past my face. Immediately I grab the arm and give her a blow to the stomach with my knee. I immediately fly up and come at her with force and my leg ready kick her head off but she blasts me back with her dark energy, I'm still standing, it does nothing to me except the painful smack that comes with it. Once she notices that I'm still okay, she flies closer to me while continuously firing her power at me.

"This is why I want you people extinct!" she says standing right in front of me as I recover from her blasts

"Maybe that's why we will never back down as long as people like you still exist to haunt the lives of our people," I put my hand behind my back and summon Disco in my right hand.

"You disgust me,"

"I love to hear that," I swing Disco from behind my back and I point the crystal at her and light flows through Disco, electric shocking Zelda.

"AHH!" She screams. She then puts up both of her hand into a cross and slam them down, dismissing my attack and a force pushing me back but I don't waste time. I use Liam's powers to summon strong cumulonimbus clouds.

"Seriously?" Zelda says with annoyance. lightning starts striking and Zelda starts dodging. While she is doing that, I am gathering up energy on my right hand, with Disco flying by my left hand side.

"Target her when she least expect it," Disco opines and I nod. I fly slowly closer to her, and as she's spinning around trying to dodge a lightning bolt Ifire at her the energy ball and finally, I don't miss. Zelda falls from the sky like hail. I go after her as she's falling, I fire another energy ball that sends her hitting the ground with even more force, cracking the ground she falls on.

The rest of her group stops fighting and runs further away from me as I slowly fly down. They stand where Zelda is laying, half-dead. I spot Trixy helping Zelda as she puts Zelda's arm around her neck.

"Harmony," Reseda runs to hug me, everyone looks torn apart. She's crying.

"It's okay" I hug her back with tears lining my eyes

"He's gone, he's really gone," she cries, and the rest of the guardians look down with no words to say. I spot Max looking at where Liam's body is laying with his eyes all red.

"He's gone," I confirm with tears running down my cheeks. Teva's eyes and mine meet, I point to Max with my eyes and she knows exactly what I'm trying to say, She walks to Max .

"It's okay, " she brings him in her arms as I let go of Reseda.

The skys of Musiana begin to open up, the sun's rays finally starts to shine on the land. Immediately, the Menace disappears with a black smoke.

I run to stop them, "No!"

But they are already gone. "no! " I exhale with fury.

"It's okay Harmony, we've already defeated them," Clyden says

"But I wasn't done with Zelda," I say with anger, staring at the place I was going to finish her on.

"Don't worry, we will face them again soon. For now, let's go see if everyone is back to normal," Reseda says placing her hand on my shoulder

"What about Liam, I can't leave him here," I say

"Michael and Clyden can stay here and watch over his body, right guys?" She asks them

"Yeah, it's okay," they agree