You Think I'll leave you?

Next morning...

Chloe woke up with the comfort of a nice, bouncy, soft bed. She was in a conscious state yet she didn't wanted to get out of the comfort...😌 when soon her realisation hit her hard . She understood that she is not in her cottage. She cannot get the heaven-like comfort in her cottage for she had to spend the nights while lying on the floor in her place.

"Boom!" shouted prince from nowhere in order to frighten the newly awaken soul of Chloe.

"Huh!", gasped Chloe in fright. "What kinda childish guy you are. My heart was going to jump out of its place..."

"Dear Chloe, you know that I am an orphan and possibly you are my soulmate, so who do you think I can do these childish acts with and be absolutely tension-free?" said prince.

Soon Chloe hugged him tight and Chris hugged her back. It's a very effective way to say that they wanted to feel love.

Amongst both of them, Chloe got the most attached, she wanted to die for him. But Chris was determined to their target.

After like... 5 minutes, the two parted and both giggled at each other.

"Chloe, what is your zodiac sign?", asked Chris.

"I am a Leo", said Chloe.

Same here, Chris was also a Leo. Destiny fixed their path together, A lion and a lioness, perfection matches...

"Here", said Chris as he handed the golden book to Chloe.

" You wanted it, so I brought it.", said prince.

Chloe said: Now you need to leave me and let me go back to my place. This place is not safe for me to stay after yesterday's incident.

Chris replied, You think I'll leave you? You will stay over here for today. The queen's health is not good. She fell ill as soon as she breathed the air that you breathed. She is too pure for you!

They both giggled and rolled down in laughter.