Alfakis's participation

During all this things about the combat was being planned in the state of Celavia, in Aliria, Chloe had no clue about it. She was not even worried about the kingdom but only she knew about the dispute that took place in her heart every night in the name of Chris. Chloe was busy determining the kingdom's property. Until now, for the sake of Aliria's improvement, Chloe and Alfakis hunted many animals and tamed them. They had gathered two wild horses;a male and a female, two wild boars and one young elephant.Chloe was busy keeping a record of their food and water when Alfakis arrived and said coldly,"The battle will break upon the lands of Celavia in the coming two weeks.I have to go."

No!, shouted Chloe, "You are not allowed to do that. I cannot loose you to death, you are my closest friend with whom I can share my heart. I will be a lone wolf if you leave me." said Chloe in dismay.

"Why do you think like that?, Who told you that I will be lost to death? Don't worry but I will not be able to sit back in Aliria while Chris will be suffering the hemlock of a war.", said Alfakis as he wanted to install hope in the heart of Chloe.

"But, along with which recognition will you fight? Are you a Celavian? No... Then what will you tell them on being arrested?", asked Chloe as flawless tears rolled down from her glimmering eyes.

"I will fight without being recognised by anyone. I will be a silent fighter, but I would have to help the war situation of Celavia and stand beside the brave soldiers of Sayariks.", said Alfakis as he turned around and started to walk in order to leave.

"You will not be supported by my thoughts in case you will go to fight for them. I will forget Alfakis...", said Chloe as she sulked.

"Well; then so will I...", said Alfakis as he left.

Chloe sat down on her knees as she stared crying loudly. The broken voice that came out of her throat clearly portrayed the suppressed sorrow inside her heart.