The rude proposal

Chris was sitting back and celebrating his leisure as he looked marvelous and felt the same. Why so? Every new king would feel like that, commencing on with a new journey of handling a new kingdom after fighting a war: so bravely, would never leave a sake for another one! A new beginning without the closest one to your heart. Chris felt like he had everything though...

"I have nothing!", he thought to himself. What does he have? Neither his love, nor his parents, neither the bliss, nor the goal. He probably lived to rule over someone and make them undesirable of themselves. Though that was the one which caused Chloe to widen their distance, but Chris was not ready to take aback...

Chris was quite determined this time to think hard of a strategy and take Chloe under his former control. "Would you marry her after you get her under your authority?", asked Mark as he saw Chris think hard which he was certain that Chloe was the subject of his thought.

"Yes, Um,uh, if not so, I will enslave her and keep her under my foot all through her life. But I want her! Mark, first you prepare to get her then the kind of treatment she receives, directly depends on me."

Now, Chris was becoming obscenest and vulgar for his desires. Though Chris was a kind and compassionate man but lack of bliss was eating him up from within. This could have been marked as the inauguration of the hungriness of Chris towards Chloe. He was growing out of his desires now, he could not leave the thought of Chloe for a moment.

"What's next? then?", Mark remarked.

"Send a letter to Chloe's kingdom, and let her know that I have erected a profound kingdom on my mettle. Offer her to be my queen and ask her to sit on the queen's chair of this kingdom."

A letter was then sent to Chloe as:

" Ms. Chloe Bloom,

This letter is to offer you the most marvellous option that you may come across in your entire life. This message is portrayed to you by our king himself, so kindly forge your attention; our king Chris expects you to reach to our destination and marry him voluntarily. You are being offered the throne of our queen so make sure not to miss this offer. You are anticipated to respect this offer.

Come be my queen Chloe, my love cannot be stopped anymore from reaching you.- Chris from Celavia"