Shadows of the Past

The wind cut through the trees as we rode back from the Eastern Tribes, their acceptance of our alliance heavy on my mind. Naya's words weighed me down. Trust was as fragile as glass, and alliances had shattered before, splintered by fear or ambition. Chris and I would ride back to the fortress, hope and apprehension coloring the air, knowing these alliances were our best chance, but our greatest risk.

Upon arriving at the fortress we could see it was alive and active. Soldiers were drilling in the courtyard, performing their coordinated maneuvers to rhythmic cadence, punctuated by sharp clangs of metal. Scouts from Lord Alder were stationed on the walls scanning the horizon into the east. Reports had been coming in from that direction which spoke of suspicious movement meaning Galarcia's forces were moving faster than estimated.

And Lord Alder came to the council chamber himself, wearing a mask of concern. "You arrived within the hour," he said, waving an inviting hand at us to stand across from the large map worn and frayed over the wooden table across the room. "Our scouts report some activity approaching along the western ridge; perhaps Galarcia simply looks for openings to test his border.".

I glanced down at the map tracing the lines of our defense. "They're playing for time, measuring our strength," I said. "They know we're getting ready but don't know how many friends and where we might attack them."

Chris nodded. His jaw was clenched. "They want to get into our minds so we believe it's some tidal wave movement, and wear us out. But what if it's a bluff?

Lord Alder furrowed his brow as he considered the words Chris spoke. "It's possible. Galarcia isn't deficient in tactics of psychological warfare. And now, they're an ally of the Blackwood Legion - with a force of guerrillas who can make surprise and ambush attacks.

I shivered at the reminder of Galarcia's new ally. "I have never seen anyone like the Blackwood Legion before," I admitted, forcing myself to look squarely at Lord Alder. "What do we know about their tactics?

He sighed, tracing a worn path across the map with his fingers. "Not enough. But we've heard stories. They use the night to their advantage, striking unseen and leaving no trace. The Eastern Tribes have clashed with them before, which is why they agreed to our alliance.".

We'll have to match them at every turn, skill and strategy," Chris said, reigniting the fire within. "We can't let ourselves be scared of what may be. If it's darkness they wield as a black warrior, we'll learn how to use our own darkness against them.".

We discussed our next moves, forming a plan. We would take some extra defenses to position along the western ridge. But we would keep our main force out of sight, ready to present ourselves as a surprise counterattacker. Chris suggested to place scouts along the routes, scouting out where the Legion preferred to move.

We marched off to the armory because the council meeting was adjourned. Our soldiers were getting ready for the inevitable within it. Oil and heavy metal smells filled the air, reminding us all of the road we were about to take. Finn was sharpening his blade; he is one of our finest swordsmen. His face lit with a gleam seeing us.

"Commander Chloe, Captain Chris," he said, nodding in respect. "Word is, we'll be facing the Blackwood Legion soon. I've heard they're like ghosts on the battlefield, but we're not afraid."

I smiled at Finn. "That's good to hear, Finn. Keep that courage close. We'll need every ounce of it in the days to come."

Chris grasped Finn on the shoulder, his voice steady. "Remember, Blackwood Legion feeds on fear. If you stand your ground, they will lose their power over you."

As we stepped out of the armory, a voice cut through the air. It was Isla, our swift silent scout, who approached us with a grave expression. "I've returned from the eastern outpost. There's movement—a small patrol by the Blackwood Legion, scoping out the area."

My heart was pounding. "How far from here?"

"Two miles east, near the old stone bridge. They were moving with caution, as if probing our defenses."

Chris's face fell serious. "They're probing for weaknesses, looking for ways to slip through around our defenses.".

We spent the next hour strategizing with Isla, using her knowledge of the land to set up additional lookout points near the eastern border. She was to lead a small group of scouts to monitor the area so that Galarcia's forces could not move without our knowledge.

Chris and I stepped up onto the walls of the fortress, looking out over the long expanse between ourselves and our foe. The stars shone brightly: a contrast to the silences as they crept below.

"Do you think we'll get through this, Chloe?" Chris asked softly, almost weakly.

I looked at him, seeing reflected in his eyes the weight of all his burdens. "We have to believe we will," I said softly. "If we lose hope, then Galarcia has already won."

He nodded and let out a soft smile as his hand found mine in the darkness. "Together, then," he said. "No matter what comes.".