introducing Irteza


Irteza's POV


"I am drowning, somebody please help, i can't breathe" i said to the girl sitting infront of me, she giggled

"Irtezaaa you are very naughty"

"I mean it, I'm drowning in your eyes, your hotness has taken my breath away, it's so difficult to breathe" i said loosening my shirt's collar

"Oh stop it baby" she blushed profusely

"I'm very lucky to have you in my life, Mehak" i said, she frowned at me

"Muskaan, my name is Muskaan" her voice had a hint of irritation

"See I'm so lost in your eyes that i have even forgotten your name" i smiled, she looked down blushing

My phone rang, i picked it up from the table, when I saw the caller i rolled my eyes

"Babe I really have to answer this call" i said getting up, but she held my hand

"Nooo, stay. Ignore it" she whined

"It's from the office, it's urgent, please" i tried pulling my hand

"Ok. Come soon" she pouted and left my hand, i immediately went outside the coffee shop

"Hi baby. I was just thinking about you" i said answering the call

"Cut the crap Irteza and tell me when are you keeping the meeting?" Hina asked from the other side

"Meeting? What meeting?"

"I told you I want to meet your fiancee" she said and i rolled my eyes

"Try to understand honey, it's not easy, i made you talk to her once, don't you remember how rude she was, if i make you meet her, I'm afraid she will insult you"

"It's ok, let her be rude, let her insult me, i will be nice to her, i will make her understand that you and I love each other. She will understand"  she said and i cringed hard at the L word

"What if she complains to papa, I'll be in deep trouble"

"Well you should have thought about it before coming in a relationship with me" she said in anger, i sighed

"Ok, give me a little time, I'll see what I can do"

"Irteza, baby, my love i can't live without you. You gotta hurry up" she cried

"Ok" i said coldly

"Can't you see how much I love you? Don't you love me?"

"Hina i told yo..."

"No, i want to hear it, say you love me"

"Listen, I'm in the conference room right now, there are people sitting with me, I'll call you later"

"Irteza no list....." She was saying but i cut the call and headed back to my table

"What took you so long?" Mehak asked

"It was Papa's call, i have to go back to office, there is an urgent meeting"

"Can you spare five minutes i have to talk to you about something important"

"Ok, tell me"

"We've known each other for three months, we both like each other so much, why don't we get in a relationship?" She asked getting shy, i inwardly rolled my eyes

Ye ladkiyo ko relationship mei ghusne ki kya musibat hai (why do girls have to get in a relationship)

"I have to tell you something" i said, she got serious and sat straight


"Actually Mehak I..."

"Muskaan" she cut me

"Huh?" I frowned

"My name is Muskaan"

"Yaar I'm telling you something important and you are still stuck on the name"

"Ok ok sorry tell me"

"I'm actually engaged, my life partner was selected by my family when i was a child, i will be marrying her only"

"What?" Her eyes grew big, "then what are you doing with me? Are you cheating on your fiancee?"

"No I'm not cheating, i don't like her, i don't want to marry her, but my family is forcing me, she is very rude and selfish"

"I don't believe this. You should have sorted your shit before dating me, don't you ever call me again" she got up with force causing the chair to make a loud noise and she walked off

Jaan bachi, musibat khud hi tal gyi (thank god I'm saved, she left on her own) i sighed in relief

I waved my hand and called a waiter with the bill

I was checking messages on my phone when i heard a melodious voice

"Sir, your bill" i looked up and found a hot waitress standing there, she pushed a receipt infront of me on the table

I took out cash from my wallet along with my personal number card and slipped it infront of her, she looked in confusion at me

"I think there's something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it to see if it works?" I said pointing at my card, she smiled

"Hey i know you" i said, she frowned

"Really? Do you?" She asked

"Yeah.. you are the one with the million dollar smile" i said and her smile widened. I winked at her and mouthed "call me" then i left from there


I reached the office and went straight to my room, my personal assistant followed me, i sat on my chair, closed my eyes and leaned back

"Sir, may I brief you?" She asked

"Yes, go ahead" i motioned her to talk, she told me about all my scheduled meeting for today

"Is that all?" I asked

"You are invited for the dinner party at saxena's tonight"


"Sir you look tired, do you want me to cancel any of your meeting?" Her nasal voice sounded so irritating it was clear she was trying to sound seductive she seemed very close, i opened my eyes and saw her hovering over me

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, she startled and moved back

"I tho.. though. thought you were ti.. tired, so I.. I.. wa.."

"Shut up and stay in your limit. Now go back to work"

She nodded and ran out in the speed of lightning, i sighed and got up from my chair and looked outside the window

I was on the twenty eighth floor, people usually find the floor to ceiling glass window in my room very intimidating, but for me it's very calming, when I stand here and look down, i see how high i am from others

I am Irteza Hasan, i run a business empire, I was 23 when my nana handed over his business to me, i have always been interested in business only, at that time it was in a pretty bad shape, but since I have joined the business, i have taken it at higher position much higher than what my nana set, he is extremely proud of me.

The most important thing in my life is my work, i admit I'm a big time flirt but i never mix business with pleasure, that is the reason I kicked out my PA, when she tried her luck on me

My mom is an angel living on this planet, she has a heart of gold, she loves me dearly and i love her so much, i am the only child of my parents.

My life is perfect i have everything I wanted, i am so perfect i can achieve anything in life by my hard work. I see perfection wherever I look except for one thing, my dad

Dr Hasan Mustafa, he is the best cardiologist in Delhi, he has his own hospital. He wanted me to become a doctor, but i was never interested in medicines, i never told anyone but when I see blood i feel sick.

In twenty eight years of my life, I've never heard papa say anything encouraging or appreciating to me, he only sees flaws in me. I'm one of the most desirable man in India and many magazine has given me a title of the most eligible bachelor, but my father can't see it, he has nothing to do with the titles, he is only upset about the missing doctor from my name

I still love my father very much, so what if he sees me as a careless person, who's not serious about life, i work harder everyday so that one day i could hear him say something nice about me.

I live in a joint family with dadi, my chachus and their family, I'm blessed to be born in such an amazing family, I'm very close to my cousins, but my favourite one is Arfa, she is my baby sister, and i always treat her like little kid, she gets annoyed some time.

Since I'm so good looking and successful, girls are always around me, they all want me for my money and my looks, nobody sees what's there in my heart, initially it used to bother me, but now even I don't give a damn about their hearts, i only talk to them till i find them interesting, once I lose interest or when they start expecting more, i lie, that I'm engaged.

"May i come in sir?" I heard a voice, i turned around and found Rohit, my employee standing there

"Hey buddy, get in" i smiled at him, i like this guy, he is good for my company, hard working and honest

"Sir, i need your signature" he extended the file he was holding towards me

"What is it?" I asked taking the file, his face fell

"It is about Qureshi project" he said

"What about it? Didn't i reject it already?" I asked getting angry

"M.D sir has said that he wants to go ahead with the project" he replied, i rolled my eyes

"Where is Asad?" I asked

"I saw him going to the smoking room"

I didn't reply to him, i just left to meet Asad. He is the managing director of the company.

I opened the door of the smoking room and found Asad making out with my personal assistant. I was shocked to see that

"What the hell?" I shouted, they both jumped away, the girl looked at me in embarrassment

"What's your problem man? Can't you give any privacy?" Asad said

"This is my bloody office, take your filth somewhere else" i said glaring at them

"Watch your words" he warned me

"Asad you come to my room right now, i want to talk" i said, then i looked at the girl, just few minutes ago she was trying to get all over me and now this, "you" i pointed at her, "you are fired" i snapped at her

"But sir..." she was saying something but I turned around

"Asad in my room right now" i yelled and left

I returned to my room, asad followed me

"What made you think that you can fire her?" He shouted, i sat on my chair with full arrogance

"I am the CEO of this company, i can even fire you" i smirked, he glared at me

"No, you cannot" he grinded his teeth

"Try me" i crossed my legs and leaned back on the chair

"What do you think of yourself? You are not the only owner of this company" Asad hissed

"Really? Last time i checked this company was written under my name only"

Asad is my cousin, my nana has two daughters, one is my mother and the other one is Asad's. He knew that Asad is not serious in life and he also knew that i take work seriously that is why he handed me the company, but only because of my mother's persistence i gave him the post of MD, otherwise we all know he is very undeserving of it

"This is my nana's company too, i should also have equal rights" he shouted

"Well indeed this is Nana's company, but i have brought it in this position, i gave it my heart, body and soul, if it is successful today, that is only because of me"

"You are so full of yourself"


"What the hell is your problem?" He asked

"When i said no to Qureshi project, why did you even dare to reconsider it?"

"Because I wanted to" he shrugged

"I have had enough of your drama, either you start listening to me or get out of my office" i screamed

He opened his mouth to speak, but somehow he changed his mind and closed it, he turned to leave

"And one more thing" i said and he stopped, "i don't want to see you with any girl in my office, have some shame" i said he scoffed

"Really Irteza, you are talking about shame, have you ever seen yourself? you are always roaming around with your heart on your palm, always ready to give, I'm not like that atleast"

"That's my personal life, you got no right to comment"

"So, why are you commenting on mine?"

"Outside my office you do whatever you want, but don't get involved with the staff, it's an order" i said sternly, he left immediately, but i heard him saying screw you, i rolled my eyes


I was busy in reading a file of a project, when my phone rang, i answered

"Hello" i said

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have spoken to you so badly at the cafe today" i frowned, wondering who this person is

"Who's this?" I asked

"Arey itna naraz ho gaye k pehchan bhi nahi rahe, mai muskaan bol rahi hun, tumhari muskaan (you have got so upset with me that you are not even recognising me, this is Muskaan speaking, your Muskaan)" she replied

Damn it, i thought she was gone for good, why is she calling me now, i must find a way to get rid of her

"No, I'm not upset, you were right, i should have told you about my engagement from the very beginning"

"I have no problem with your engagement, I know the girl is not good, that is why you are not in love with her"

"Look i was saying..." I was saying but she cut me off

"Baby I'm with you, don't worry about the engagement"

Yaaaar kya musibat hai yeh (what the hell is this?

"I'm busy right now, can i call you later?" I said

"When?" She asked, i rolled my eyes


"I'll be waiting for you" she said and then blew a kiss, i hung up

I must do something about her quickly


I was at the party organised by my client saxena and his family, only reason I'm here is because i want to maintain a good repo with my clients

Throughout the party mehak was calling me, i had to put my phone on silent, she has become such a nuisance for me. Only one person can help me now

It was after midnight when I returned from the party, i entered the house, i have to put an end to this annoying girl.

I went straight to Arfa's room, to seek her help, she is the one who talks with such girls, pretending to be my fiancee. Arfa anyways is a sweet little child, but when she talks with these girls, she becomes a ferocious lioness, making me proud of my baby sister, plus saviour

The moment i entered her room, it became dark, she must have switched off the light, i was walking towards her bed, but she bumped into me and fell down

"Ow" she shouted in pain my heart ached hearing her scream

"Oh no, are you ok beta? I'm sorry" i said and immediately picked her up in my arms to put her on the bed, but since it was so dark i was also struggling to reach my destination

"Just two seconds kiddo, let me put you on the bed" i said while still struggling to find my way, suddenly the lights turned on

"Bhai, what are you doing?" I heard Arfa's voice, but it was coming from distance, i turned around and found her standing in the doorway, if she is there whom am I holding? i looked at the person i was holding in my arms, my eyes widened in shock

"You?" I said and threw her on the floor

"Ouch" she groaned in pain..