Everything happens for a good reason..

After yesterday's incident I didn't talk much. Priyanka consoled me and told she behaves like this with everyone. Then, I went to meet teacher after class. She said I need to redo the experiments with another batch. Not a good day at all. Today, as the class started, Jenny came and gave me a smirk like she accomplished something huge. I stayed calm and tried to focus on the class, but still I felt so down. At break time, me and Priyanka went to the cafeteria.

"Still thinking about that?" She asked in a concerned way.

"I don't know.. My mind is disturbed" I replied in a disappointed tone.

" Shall I go and pour this hot coffee all over her? And say, Oh sorry Jenny! I didn't see.." she said in a funny way but she was quite determined to do that too.

" She will be like running here and there. You want to see that?" Priyanka continued.

"No. It's not that. I want our chemistry teacher to congratulate me infront of everyone. Now she thinks I'm a poor performer and I want to change that." I replied.

"You are too good in chemistry, Aren't you?" she asked.

"May be." I just smiled.

As we were sipping our coffee, some of our classmates came to our table and joined us. They introduced themselves, Rahul, Serena, Pinky and Manu.

"We know what happened yesterday. It's quite typical of Jenny." Manu said.

" She did the same to me." Pinky said.

I could sense some anger from her face expression.

" I scored higher marks than Jenny in physics. She accused me of cheating and made me rewrite the exam. Argh! I just hate her.." she continued.

I was right about her face expression. I'm good at sensing others emotions. I said to myself.

" Last year we had a painting competition. When Jenny thought my painting was better, she deliberately poured juice on it and made it look like an accident. Well, we have lot of stories about her." Rahul said.

I could sense that painting meant alot to him by the tone of his voice.

Then we chatted about other things. It felt like we were some sorta anti Jenny squad, but it was fun.

Then, Serena's face suddenly lit up and she said " Oh! Here he comes!!!"

I just turned to see what she was talking about, then I saw him. The guy who made me blush. I couldn't take my eyes off him, as usual smile came without giving me a warning.

" Oh ya! Here he comes.." Priyanka said

"Who is he?" I asked , still smiling.

" Oh, that's Chris. School heart throb. He is from America and he is a football player. He is our team captain." Priyanka replied.

" He looks good." I said. I can't stop smiling.

" God! You are blushing , Meghna." Priyanka teased me.

Then, she said something that made my smile disappear.

" Jenny loves him, she is having a crush on him since high school. She tries to sabotage his relationship with any girl."

" Again JENNY." I said and rolled my eyes.

Alter ego came back, " Fuck Jenny! Just go and get him. He made you blush , Meghna.. and he is so handsome. Moreover, a good payback for Jenny. Go ahead.."

I felt good that atlast my alter ego is supporting me. Smile came back again.

He ordered coffee and was talking to his friends. I couldn't stop myself smiling and looking at him.

Alter ego popped up again, " But, Meghna.. He's an American. New tradition, culture etc..

If your family gets to know this, someone's ass is going to get kicked. Beware!"

Argh! Buzz kill.. I was so dumb to think my alter ego was finally supporting me. I didn't bother about that now, seeing Chris made me feel good.

"Hey, Meghna. Why are you smiling? Don't tell me you like Chris?" Priyanka questioned.

I just blushed.

" Oh God! No!!" Priyanka said with her hands on her forehead.

He came over to sit, he found a table next to us. Then he turned to me and just smiled and continued talking to his friends.

I was shell-shocked, I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

Priyanka noticed this and asked in a funny way, " I think you feel much better now, Right?"

We both laughed.

After noon session started. Physics teacher came. She announced that we need to do a project.

" I will show you the prototype of that, It's in class 11B. I want someone to go and get that for me." Teacher said.

Then, she pointed at me as I was sitting in the corner. I got up, before leaving Priyanka whispered, " Chris is in 11B."

I don't know why but I felt somewhat stressed after hearing this. I went to 11B. Mathematics Sir was teaching there.

"Yes, What do you want?" Sir asked.

I said about the physics project.

"Someone please get the prototype for her?" Sir asked the students.

To my shock, Chris got up and took it from the shelf and walked towards me.

My stress raised to another level. I wonder, if I had any BP issues. I'm i going to faint?

He approached me and said, " Be careful, it's quite fragile." He handed the prototype to me and smiled. I didn't say a word, I just smiled like some girl who never saw a guy in her whole lifetime. I walked back to my class.

Stress level started decreasing but still can't get rid of the shock. ' Oh God! I'm i getting sick?' I asked myself.

Alter ego replied, "No. Even to become sick you need some standards, Meghna. You are way beyond that. Better thank God that you didn't drool infront of him."

Me: "That was very much comforting, Thanks."

I reached my class and gave the prototype to my teacher. Priyanka was already waiting for me.

" Anything happened?" Priyanka asked in a rather curious way.

I didn't had that much energy to narrate everything, I just said, "Later."

During class, I couldn't focus. I was still thinking about him, more than that I was thinking, Did i looked presentable? Was my hair on place? Well, everything about my appearance.

Class got over. I narrated everything to Priyanka on our way out.

" Something is blooming between you two. I had never seen Chris smiling at any girl till now. He always walks in, do his job, talk to his friends and leave." Priyanka said in a serious tone.

I just listened everything. Bus came. We both departed. On my way back, I was thinking about this whole day. How it started and how it ended.. Chris came to my mind again and also what Priyanka said. I asked myself, " Is something actually blooming?"