Expect the unexpected..

After reaching home, Mom was waiting for me.

"Meghna, Me and your dad are going out to get present for Richu. I made food. Have it"

"Okay mom. So, you finally decided the gift.."

"Yes.. Going to get gold bangles for her. Nowadays gold rates have skyrocketed, luckily we had saved some cash."

"It's not that cash we saved for our Europe trip, Right?" I asked in a rather tensed tone.

"Hmm... I don't know about it.. You ask your dad." She said without looking at me.

I got the cue.

"It's that money.. Ryt? I know.." I kinda shouted.

"See, Meghna. It's your cousin's reception. We need to gift her something valuable. More than that, it determines our prestige too. Try to understand." Mom said in a low voice.

"Mom... Why can't you understand me? Prestige is something that is susceptible to change at any time. You can give her something that lies within our budget. Europe trip is something that we enjoy as a family, nothing can beat that." I tried to make her realise my point.

"Meghna.. Don't worry.. I got this.. There is no change in our Europe trip. Be happy." Dad assured me.

"Thanks for understanding dad.." I said with a huge relief.

" Now, go and have some food and relax.. Me and your mom will come soon." Dad waved at me and departed.

"Just tell Mithun also to have food. Be happy.. bye.." Mom said.

I went to my room, got in my PJs. There was still pain on my shoulders. I applied moov. Pain got decreased and felt relieved. I was feeling hungry so went down to get some food. Mom cooked rice, mixed vegetable fry, sambhar, dal curry, curd and pickle.

I started eating and was watching YouTube videos.

I love prank shows. Okay!! I checked my WhatsApp too, Chris didn't text me.

Mithun arrived.

"Hey Dumbo! When I arrived, for a second I thought some pig entered our home and started eating our food. I was planning to attack, when i came close only i realised, It was not a pig.. It was a human pig..." Mithun as usual teased me and started laughing.

"It's too late Mithun. Your eyes are seriously damaged. Better get it treated soon or else you won't be able to differentiate between you and a monkey, even the difference is considerably very minute." That's a comeback.

"Atleast I'm a monkey but you are a pig.." His comeback.

"Atlast you itself accepted you are a monkey. Congratulations!! Now monkeys will hate themselves because of your confession."

"Ha ha , Very funny... I'm starving.. Will continue after having my food." He started digging in and sat next to me with his mouth full of food.

"Where is mom and dad?" He asked.

"They went to purchase gold bangles for Richu." I said and let out a deep breath.

"Gold bangles.. Really?" He got shocked.

"Yes.. I also had the same feeling, but mom said about that prestige stuff.." I said in a frustrated tone.

"Prestige... Come on! They won't even get us a chips packet when they visit our home. Do we have to show prestige for these people? They always complain. It irritates me."

I could sense anger in his voice.

"While wrapping the gift, we will drop a note saying, 'Bring us a chips packet when you visit us next time. Complimentary items also accepted.' How's it?" I tried to pacify him.

We both laughed..

"So.. What about the money? Did they took it from our Europe trip savings?" He questioned.

"I also had that doubt and asked them, dad said he will take care and our Europe trip is on."

"Good then.." He calmed himself.

We both talked for some more time and I went to my room to take some rest.

I got up at 8:30pm. Pain considerably reduced. I tied my hair up and took my phone. Priyanka had messaged me, "Hey Meghna. Tomorrow, let's go for shopping to phoenix Mall. Lots of offers going on and I need to tell something in person."

"I don't know. Need to get permission from my parents. Will let you know soon. Between, what's the matter, Anything serious?" I replied.

"Let me know soon. I will say that when we meet. Nothing serious, don't worry.." She replied.

I went down. Mom and dad came back.

"Dinner is ready. Wash your hands and take a seat." Mom said.

Everyone took a seat and started having dinner. Mom made Chapati and vegetable kurma.

"Did you get the present?" Mithun asked.

"Yes.. Tomorrow is Tamil New year so everywhere it's crowded. There was lots of offers going on. We could get the bangles within our budget." Mom said in a satisfied tone.

"Speaking of offers.. Priyanka asked me to join her for shopping at phoenix Mall. There are lot of offers going on." I said in a low voice.

"What? You are going with her alone? You just got to know her. No need to go anywhere now. You can go after some days or I will take you." Mom said in an irritated tone.

"Mom!!! It's just shopping. I will come early. I just need to go and have some fun with my friend. Moreover, I need to buy a dress for Richu's reception." I know, if I say anything about Richu's reception, mom won't argue that much.

Yes!! Mission successful. She didn't say a word.

"Okay, no problem. You go and mingle with your friends, but come home early." Dad said.

I know dad will support me.

"But.. She is just a kid.." Mom said.

"Mom.. Now everyone goes out with friends, it's common." Mithun supported me, I wonder why??

"Yes.. let them have fun.. She will come home early." Dad calmed my mom.

Mom atlast nodded. I stared at Mithun, I want to know why he supported me. We finished our dinner, before going to my room, I called Mithun and asked, " Tell me what you want?"

"Oh.. Meghna.. Your brain is developing day by day.." He started his usual behaviour.

"Get to the point." I demanded.

"If you get any beautiful friends, Just give me an introduction. I'm done being single, You can help me." He said in a funny way.

"Ohh... I would love to help you but my friends are looking for some good looking guys not a human monkey.." I laughed and ran to my room.

I was happy that I got permission. I texted Priyanka and confirmed everything. As I got ready to sleep, i heard message received tone. I checked my phone, it's Chris. He added me to the extra curricular activities group too.

"Hey.. It's me Chris.. You up?" He texted.

"Hey... Was about to sleep.." I replied.

"Sorry to disturb you. Just wanted to check on you. You feeling better now?"

"Hey.. no problem. Yes.. much better. Moov actually helped.. Thanks!"

"Thank God! I was worried.. Anyway, get some rest. Will text later. Good night.."

"Good night, Chris.."

Atlast he messaged.. He said he was worried.. So he didn't forget about me, he did think about me.. I wanted to chat for some more time but I don't want him to think I'm desperate. I'm happy that he messaged and he said will text later too, so this is not the end. I smiled and fell asleep.

I got up early, I was so excited to go out with Priyanka. I got ready and went down. Today it's Tamil New year, so it's official holiday for everyone. We had some Pooja at home.

(For those who don't know Tamil New year, it's an auspicious occasion. We dress up in traditional attire ie, saree. We decorate our homes with Rangoli and flowers. We offer prayers to the gods, lighting lamps and incense sticks. For food, it's a full course vegetarian meal served in banana leaf.)

After finishing all the rituals. I got ready to meet Priyanka. Dad dropped me at Phoenix Mall. She was waiting for me at the entrance, We both went inside. It was quite crowded.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked.

"I will say. First let's go shopping.." She replied in a rather excited tone.

"What are you planning to buy?"

"Need to check new launches in the make up section." She said with the same tone.

'So, it's a make up shopping.. I'm dead.' I said to myself.

We went straight to the make up section in lifestyle store, lot of brands was there.

"We will check each and every brand." Priyanka said in the same tone when she said let's go shopping.

I smiled at her.

She started testing each and everything that was there. After trying one lipstick, she turned to me and asked, "Meghna, What do you think?"

"It looks good.." I said. It's a bright pink shade, if she wore this i can spot her from anywhere.

Then she tried some more colours. Sales girl was helping her and she said," Try these new launches.. These are quite vibrant and funky, good for parties."

"Meghna.. you also try these.. It looks cools." Priyanka said.

"We will look funny.." I said

"It will be fun, we will take photos too. Just try.. We can remove it.." She compelled me.

On her insistence, I tried a funky sea green colour.I carefully applied all over my lips. I looked rather funny, like a zombie.

I turned to show her, "Look at....."

My jaw dropped and my eyes popped out. Almost 6 feet tall, Indian white skin tone, inverted triangle shaped body, black hair, brown eyes, wearing blazers stood in front of me and stared at me.

I suddenly closed my jaw and tightly swallowed.

He turned his face to one side and smiled in a funny way. I saw Priyanka next to him with a guy, they all were looking at me. Then... All started laughing..

I felt so embarassed, I turned away and removed my lipstick in a hurry.

Priyanka came to me and said, "Relax, Meghna.. It's okay.. Come on, look at me.."

"Guys, stop laughing." She said to them in a firm voice. They stopped.

I turned to her and asked, "Who are they?"

"I told you know, I wanted to say something to you. It's about Sammy.." She gestured at him to come. He came and stood next to her.

"Meghna.. This is Sammy. He is our senior. He is in 12A and my.... Boyfriend..." She said in a low voice.

I was so surprised...

"Hey.. She had told a lot about you.. She wanted to surprise you.." Sammy said in a casual manner.

"I'm sorry, I didn't say about this, I was waiting for the right moment. I thought to introduce him personally to you." Priyanka was slightly sad.

"It's ok.. I'm so happy for you... I'm totally surprised.. I need to know all about your love story.." I tried to cheer her up.

"First school mates, met at science fair, became friends, talked and talked, then we both knew there is something happening between us, I proposed to her, she said yes. It's been 16 months since we are together and that's our story!!" Sammy said in a cheerful manner. I could see his eyes full of joy when he said about their story.

"That's cute, Priyanka.." I said.

She just blushed.

"Dude, Let's go somewhere else.. It's make up section. Everyone is staring at us in a strange way. Our sexuality is getting compromised, Come on.." The one who smiled at me in a funny way said to Sammy.

"Oh, Meghna.. This is my friend, Karthi." Sammy said.

Karthi turned his face again and started smiling.

"Stop it dude.." Sammy pressed his hand.

"Hey!! Actually you should get that one.. It looked good on you." He started smiling again.

"Well, You should try it too. It will suit you better." I got irritated by his smile.

Sammy and Priyanka laughed.

"Dude.. You want to try?" Sammy teased him.

I took the same lipstick, and moved towards him, " Here try.. Let's see"

His smile vanished, "Ok.. That's enough.. Everyone is staring at us.. let's go."

He grabbed Sammy's hand and walked away from the make up section. I couldn't control my smile.

Priyanka stared at me and looked confused.

"What?" I asked.

"You have got courage.. You made him run. I'm seeing other sides of Meghna." She said and patted my shoulders.

"Ouch!!" I said. Still there was pain.

" What happened?" She asked

"That's another story, will say later."

We both walked towards them. We all planned to go to some restaurant.

On our way, karthi without tilting his head looked at me. After noticing this, i turned to him and raised both my eyebrows. He just smiled and turned his eyes away.

We saw tea and snacks store.

"Okay!! let's get some snacks and tea. This is our favourite store. Ryt, Priya??" Sam said in an excited tone.

Priyanka blushed and said, "I want cutlet, samosa and banana fry.. Don't forget masala tea."

"I know thats your favourite babe... So, what do you guys want?" Sam asked.

I looked at the snacks displayed, I stared at everything. It was quite difficult to decide because everything looked good.

" Well, I will ask the waiter to get one from everything displayed here. Or shall I make it two or three?? " Karthi mocked at me after I took time to place my order.

' Well done , Meghna. Already you got embarassed once, now for the second. What are you planning actually?' Alter ego woked up.

" You know.. What was your name again?? Ya.. karthi... Other than placing your order, Why are you staring at me? You came here to order or look at me? And FYI I'm selecting the best.." I replied with a sass.

Karthi raised his eyebrow and was about to say something but Sam interrupted him and said " Both of you please order soon.. Me and my babe are starving."

"Okay.. I will have veg spring roll, dal vada, banana fry with cardamom tea." After placing my order I looked at karthi. I wanted to know his order not because I'm curious.. just that if I could get something to make fun of him.

"Cutlet, samosa and lemon tea. I will get the order meanwhile you guys go and grab a table for four" He said.

"Yes dude.. I can't wait here.. I need to sit." Sam said in a tired voice and started walking with Priyanka. Priyanka looked at me.

"I will stay here. You both go." I said.

"Please don't fight again." Sam pleaded.

We both nodded.

After they left , Karthi placed the order.

"So, why are you staying here? Do you want to stare at me now?" He started again.

I got agitated and said, " I know you can't get all the order by yourself. You need someone to help you. What if you drop everything? I'm here to save our order"

He smirked and said ," You are going to help me? I like your sense of humour."

"Just accept it you don't have the stamina. Stop covering up."

He turned to me, he squinted his eyes. He doesn't look happy anyway and said in a kinda challenging tone, " I can get our order and i can lift u up at the same time and will take both to our table. You want to see?"

I kinda got shocked. Did he just say he is going to lift me?? I became speechless. Thankfully waiter came with our order and he went to pay.

He got our order and we started walking to our table. He didn't say anything nor did i.. I could sense he was also feeling the same as i felt, bit uncomfortable.

Sam waved at us, while walking towards them he just murmured, " I was just kidding."

I didn't say anything. We sat with them and started having food.

"This samosa is to die for.. hmmm... " Priyanka said with her mouth full of food.

"So, Sam.. Tell me about yourself." I asked.

"Oh.. Meghna.. Sure! I'm born and brought up here only. I have a sister, she is also studying at our school only. My dad is working at the health department. My mom is a house wife. Here you see my bestfriend karthi, we were friends from pre school. You know, he is our school topper, senior football team captain, school headboy and he is single. Lot of girls are hitting on him by the way!!"

" She asked to tell about you not me." He said in an irritated voice.

Sam laughed and said, " Bro, how can I not say about you when i say about me. You were there with me everytime. We share a brotherly bond. You know , Meghna.. once.."

"Stop it... That's enough.." karthi shouted at Sam.

Everyone laughed looking at karthi's face reaction. Without noticing, I grabbed my tea cup at the same time karthi also grabbed his. As the tea cups were so close to eachother, our hands met. I could feel sparks of electricity passing through me. I took my hand back immediately. He also did the same. I guess the feeling is mutual.. We stared for a moment and turned our faces away.. Sam was feeding Priyanka and they were having a moment but was interrupted by our sudden reaction.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Nothing." We both replied together.

Priyanka stared at me. Karthi's mobile started ringing. Before picking up he said, "Please don't make any noise."

His phone conversation was just yes and yes.. and then I will be back soon, then call got ended. During his phone conversation he kept his face rigid and fully serious mode. I stared at him. Sam saw me staring at him and said "It's his dad."

"Oh.. Okay.." I replied with a confused expression. If it's his dad why is he putting a face like that. Sam read my face and said "His dad is way too much caring and always decide what's best for karthi without asking him. He sometimes.."

"Ok enough.. Stop it.. let's not talk about this now." Karthi interrupted him. He clearly didn't like what he said.

"Come on buddy... Don't make that face... Look at me... I know you like me... You want some banana fry, I will feed you babe." Sam started teasing him. An attempt to make him smile.

"Stop it... Everyone is looking at us.. They may misunderstand us" Karthi reacted and pushed his hand away when he started to feed him.

I don't know why... But I started laughing, and then everyone started laughing..

Then suddenly, loud music filled the whole food court area. A flash mob. We went to see it. It was totally cool. Then came romantic song.. Sam and Priyanka lost themselves in that song. Karthi and me noticed them enjoying and then our eyes met. I don't know what happened to me may be that's the song or seeing these love birds, when we stared at eachother my heart began racing up. I couldn't take my eyes off him. We both stared at eachother and we smiled.

I said to myself, We will meet lot of people regularly. Some may pay short visit some longer some will stay forever. Each one will give us some memories that can't be replaced. We can't choose who we meet but we can choose the length of their stay. I could feel karthi's stay is not going to be a short one.