Fiona's (p.o.v)

Hand in hand Ina and I arrived at the throne room where my parents and the elders were having a meeting. Immediately we entered I realized that whatever happened was serious. My parents had worried expressions on their faces along with every other person in the room, even my brothers looked serious and they were never serious before. something was not right with this scene. "Father, Mother what's wrong? why the worried faces?" my father looked at me just noticing my arrival. He moves closer to me and placed one of his hands on my shoulder. He's quiet for some seconds "Fiona, something has been happening in the dragon realm for a few weeks now. Some of our people... Are... Missing" he says and I just stand there looking confused as ever. "what do you mean they're missing?" I asked already dreading the answer. "We don't know really know much but we think it's people from the human realm who're taking our people but we don't know why." "what? is that even possible? How did they get in here?You sound so sure about this" he nods at me. "Eight women and four men have been taken so far. It started two weeks ago when we were given a report that two women suddenly disappeared. The guards were still in the middle of investigating when another report was made. Last week four other women all between the ages of 19 and 22 also went missing. We knew it was serious then and we tightened security everywhere. It was absolutely shocking when two women and four men went missing again yesterday. This is a serious issue and we don't have any information or idea about what could be going on yet"

I stood there trying to process what father was saying and I just couldn't believe my ears. Twelve people were taken from our kingdom and no one had a clue how it happened. "Okay let's say that it's the humans, how did they get into our realm? And how did they manage to take that many dragon shifters so easily? Shouldn't they have put up a fight and alerted people?" I still couldn't piece everything together. "That's the thing, a guard found this early this morning when they were searching the Lipton garden where we assume that some of the women were taken from" he collected a vial of something and passed it to me. It was a small bottle and only had a few drops of some green looking liquid. I opened it and tried to sniff it but the second the smell hit me I almost collapsed, I fell forward and my dad caught me and steadied me back on my feet. I closed the vial quickly and looked at everyone in the room in shock. "What is this? It made my dragon feel so... So-" "weak and powerless. We know Fiona" my father said. "We don't know what it is but it's definitely dangerous to us. It must be what they used on the dragons, that's how they took them away so easily" mother said in a distressed voice. "Only a few people know about this. We don't want to cause panic in the kingdom and we're trying our best to solve this problem as quickly as possible. We had people go to the human Realm and they sensed Dragon energy in the same city they were transported to but when they reached the building where the energy was sensed it was empty which lead us to believe that someone took them away from there" father explained. "So what's gonna happen now? There has to be something we can do to prevent whoever they are from taking more of our people and try to get back those they took, I mean they could still be alive we can't just leave them" I told him. I can't believe that this is really happening. "We sent some of our men there again last week but we haven't heard from them since and we think something might have happened to them. Another group of guards will be going to the human realm tomorrow to investigate and we'll have to wait for their report"

As he was talking I realized that we needed someone who could blend in and not our guards who would arouse suspicions. Someone who could stay there for a longer period of time. I needed to go with them to the human realm to investigate. I was stronger than the guards and I knew for one that the people we're dealing with are dangerous. "I'll go with them" I say and all eyes were on me the moment I said those two words that I didn't know would change my life, my father looked surprised and of course ready to refuse but I cut him off. "Father before you refuse I want you to think this through, I can help with the investigation. you need to assure the people that all is well before people get suspicious and start to panic when guards keep going to the Human Realm." "She's right Father I think it's time to let her do something on her own, she can handle this" my brother Damon said stepping closer to our Father. "Father give her a chance" Damien added and I looked around to see that Everyone agreed, even my Mother knew that it would be better this way but my Father on the other hand looked as if he was making the most difficult decision of his life. "Father please let me do this, let me prove that I can help this kingdom in our time of turmoil, let me prove myself to you" He sighed in resignation "okay I'll let you go but you don't need to prove anything to me Fiona. you were and will always be a worthy princess" I smiled at him.

With that it was decided that I would leave the next day to the human realm, according to the elders the portal would take me to a forest on the edge of the city called Albany. Outside the forest I would meet one of the guards who was sent to the human Realm and he would drive me to the apartment the guards stay anytime they go to the human Realm. The next day I would start my investigation by going to the building where the Dragon energy was sensed and see if I could get any clues. After the meeting my brothers called me out along with Ina who for some unknown Reason was acting really Jumpy. I thought it was because of the journey I would make the next day and so did not question her, she must be worried about my safety. I'm sure that I can handle this. I can defend myself since I've been learning physical combat since I was a child. Besides if the person is too powerful then I'll roast them with my fire. When we got to my brothers I saw my other Best friend Jeremy talking to them. He also had a serious expression on his face. If not for the current crisis he would have been talking about a girl he went to bed with by now, you see Jeremy is a total Playboy who only cares about bedding girls but he's still my friend. " Hello jeremy" I said while Ina just nodded at them. "I just heard the news from your brothers. So you're really going to the Human Realm tomorrow?" Jerry asked with a frown. "yes I am and will you all stop acting as if am going to die or something?" I say in annoyance. "But you could die, you're going to get involved with the person who kidnapped our people and he or she is probably very dangerous"Damien said seriously. "Don't worry I'll be fine and we're not even sure if I'll be able to find the person so don't worry, I promise to come back home in one piece" my brothers didn't say anything to this and I left them to go enjoy my last day in the dragon realm.